Fully Aquatice FBN - Feeding problem

Newt Owner 71

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Jul 31, 2008
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Oak Lawn, Illinois
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I've searched and searched and don't see anyone asking this questions - my FBN i've had for a couple months now, probably 2 1/2 obviously he does eat if he's survived but my question is, if he's fully aquatic, and rarely comes out of the water, feeding is a problem.

He won't come out for a cricket and they just drown anyway. I put worms in the tank and he ignores them and then the worm goes up the glass and ends up dying by the top of the tank. I put frozen bloodworms in, he hardly touches them but enought to still be okay. He's not thin or his skeleton showing. What other options do I have?

It's been about a week since I've last saw him eat, and at that time he came up on the rock and let me tong feed him frozen blood worms, he's done that a few times. Now it's been a week so last night I put ina little container lid with the frozen blood worms, and it doesn't look like he's eating them.

Any ideas? I even covered the tank 1/2 way so it was dark thinking that might help? I just don't think he's eating enough. Once every few weeks? I do check my water parameters and everything is good - water temps are fine. He's not stressed - he swims to the front of the tank when he sees me. He just doesn't want to eat??

Sorry for the ramble -

Once every few weeks is a little odd, however I wouldn't worry too much. I think your problem with the worms may be that they are too large- you could try cutting them to size and trying again. In the meantime, I'd keep feeding the bloodworms- in addition, you could try live blackworms- even when cut into tiny pieces, they still squirm- this could bring out a better feeding response. Again, I wouldn't worry too much as long as the newt doesn't appear emaciated and keeps feeding.

Good Luck!:D
I agree, earth worm cut into small pieces is the best food to increase the newt appetite. Have you ever starved the newt at any point? I know that if a newt is not healthy from the start, a starve of two week and short term poor water quality can make the newt sick again easily. Good luck.
Also try live daphnia:D.And are you sure he doesn't eat while you are not looking:animal:

Nathan - thanks for the suggestion - i'll pick up some black worms and try that.

Ian - No, i've never starved him. He's been like this since I bought him. Very hard to feed.

Superfin- I will look into daphnia! Thanks!

He must be eating a little bit otherwise he would have probably been sick and died by now since it's been a few months, and he's not thin, so I know he's doing some eating. I just feel like it's not enough. I could be over reacting. I will try these other things first, maybe he just isn't happy with bloodworms.

The day I posted this, that night Shrek was on his rock and he took a couple tweezer full of the blood worms like normal. Tonight, I went to put in the frozen water bottle like I normally do, and I found him on the bottom on his back and he had died sometime during the day. He was alive last night and moving around, he was alive this morning when I went to work and in a matter of 8 hrs, he was gone. Makes me sad especially since he wasn't sick as far as I could tell. :(
I am sorry to hear that, Linda. Do you know what is the cause of the death? Warm temperature?
Anyhow, I am sure you did your best already.
Thanks, no i'm not sure what caused it. The water temps stayed between 60-65 degrees all the time. I check the water parameters 1x a week, every week. Just one of those things I guess. It's just sad.
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