Frozen Fish


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Jan 29, 2008
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I have found bags of frozen fish for sale as a feed for turtles, The guy in the shop thought that the species where silver sides but didnt know. They where definately salt water fish. So I was wondering if anyone knows if salt water fish are suitable to feed to axies.
quite often salt water fish are fed to newts of all kinds including axolotls. I have seen sand-eels commonly sold but other species often come up for sale.

I thought it might be OK, I was just thinking salt water fish, fresh water axie, just seemed weired but ill give them a go I think.
Be careful not to feed frozen fish as the main component of the axolotl's diet. Frozen fish are thiamine deficient and nutritional problems can arise if they are the sole food source.
Im not going to use them as a staple I use earthworms for that, I just wanted to range there diet a bit.
saltwater fish are not iodine-free, so i would keep them away from the axies.

i dont know about cases myself where iodine-containing food caused a metamorphosis, but better stay on the safe side. you can try freshwater fish though!
Yes. I have feed my axolotls fish. Small white bait is sold here at the aquariums as axolotl feed. I have had no problem, but I would be adding other foods to their diet as well.
Frozen Silversides for Axolotl?

saltwater fish are not iodine-free, so i would keep them away from the axies.

i dont know about cases myself where iodine-containing food caused a metamorphosis, but better stay on the safe side. you can try freshwater fish though!

I have read this before and bought some silversides I deheaded and cut them into more managable pieces; I also add some nutritional pellets inside the tummies so she gets extra nutrition. These are not her staple diet (earthworms) just a special treat about 1 every three weeks. Is this okay for her because I don't want her to morph or have any problems as these are saltwater fishes.
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    AxieCrazy: My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple... +1