friends for fb newt


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May 4, 2009
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Wolverhampton, England
United Kingdom
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Edward Rafferty
Hey, I have a 20 gallon tank and I will be putting my Chinese fire-belly newts in there once they're big enough, and I was wondering if there are any other creatures I could keep in there with them. Their tank is fully aquatic and heavily planted, is it possible to keep fish, snails, etc, or are there any animals you think would be suitable to live with them (and not another fb newt I already have another).
All help is appreciated thanks :D.

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This has been answered a lot of times, if you do a quick search you´ll find several posts that treat this exact matter.
Basically...avoid fish, bad choice for a mix with Cynops. Snails are fine, specially the Physa, Physella, Planorbis types.
Some small, claw-less species of fresh water shrimp might be ok, although they can be eaten by the newts.
Ok thanks I'm not too good at searching on here yet. So I thought I would just ask, I want my tank to have more life than just newts if it was possible.
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A well stablished tank is full of tiny life. It´s not spectacular or colourfull....but i find it extremely interesting.
Planarias, snails, Cyclops, Daphnia, various worms, etc....they all make an stablished tank look like a tiny pond.
I, too, love the idea of a mulit-species set up, but I do not think it is wise. Things that live in harmony in the wide open spaces of nature might be too close for comfort - one could be the other one's dinner. I learned that even keeping two different species of tree frogs was not smart. My White's attacked (the vet thinks) my Green. Months later, after an apparent full recovery, the Green Tree Frog died. They were still separated and I don't know what happened, but the more I've read, the more dangerous it is. Also, many fish have different temperature requirements than fish.

I saw your breeding question, too. Mine "accidentally" reproduced and she's still laying eggs though they're separated. The first larva appeared on 3/12 and two more hatched today giving up about 30 larvae. So, while I was told this was not likely from the pet store, they were obviously wrong! Not sure what we'll do with all these little ones should they survive. So far, so good...

Hi there, I have had seven fire belly newts in a 4ft tank with guppys for months now, I have had no problems, but you need to be willing to have the rare guppy eaten.
It's not happened here yet and I have 20 baby guppys in there too from one of the big female guppys. I will be getting some neons to add once I have my bigger tank too.

Five of my newts nearly constantly live in the water and I have had no problems due to my fish :)

hope this is some use to you x

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If only 5 of your 7 newts are mostly aquatic(and i´m supossing that means that even those go out of the water every now and then) i´d say you do have problems.
So would i be able to keep any fish that can stand the same tempreture of a newt and to big for my newt to eat, and also the fish small enough so it wont harm my newt in the same tank aslong as its big enough ?

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