Freak of nature



Well my little ruse of moving all the plants and wood in my tank to the back in order to get the axies to come to the front more often worked. I was finally able to snap some pix of my little albino/wildtype called Tiger, this is the first time she's been at the front of the tank.



and barney... who demands attention.. and food.. lots of food...
i love small gravel/snad u used. what is it called and where did u buy it from?
thnx guys, and sarah, it's just very fine gravel, i got a big bag from the pet store, it's really earth coloured browns, i think my plant lights make it look a bit pinky.
im not using any flooring atm cos im not using any filters, and its easier to keep clean. but thoes pics r tempting me to get some fine gravel. LOL
Gorgeous axies! The colouring is stunning, and their red hair so long and pretty. I have never known axies can be albino/wildtype.Very pretty
Sherri, these are definately 'freaks', having the very faint wildtype colors with the red eyes. It would be interesting to see if it's genetically inherited (BREED THEM!!)
wow sin sis!!! awesome..... albino wildtype??

very weird, but very cute
Great pictures! very nice tank and wonderful axies! I love the pics, especially the second and the last one
wow gr8 i have 2 axies exactly the same as your ones which i got a few days ago mine have the lovely red long hair, axal doesnt come to the front of the tank much but angel is always there when i walk in the room BANG she is at the front of the tank waiting for me its soooooo cute when she does it i would love to get some pics of mine but everytime i take a pic she goes and hides lol, camera shy just like me
i have been looking for sandy size gravel for years , would ANYONE know who carry's it and if At ALL you can find it in the states ? if anyone knows who carrys it or if it is carried in the states will you please shoot me a message,. I have seen it only once when i worked in a petland in va.. thanks,.
wow really exciting and different axie's , that is a great veriety.
Coarse sand can be found in any pool store. They sell it for pool filters. I bought mine for $7 for 50 pounds.
i love your gravel!!!! its perfect! I want it! what pet store did u get it at? What was it called? I love how u have moss on the log....its fabulous!!! My tank looks so shabby compared to yours!!!! I love it! And i love ur axies even more!!! do u know ur axies are really special??? Coz they have red eyes and dark pigment on the body....thats unherd of. You guys shoudl both breed your axies! and u must give the colouration a name!!!...albino/wildtype doesn't sound quite as cool as "speckled pickle".... or "peppered albino" or something.....( im obviously not creative)
ur set up is gorgeuos and i love the hair grass!!!
do u use plastic plants??
do u have a full shot of the tank- id love to see ur genious!!!
anyway- ur fan forever....teesha!
Beautiful photos of beautiful axies. They are very different. Love them tho, so cute.
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