Hey everyone, I am a first time poster, having questions in regards to some salamander/newt larvae I have found. Some appear to have legs, others not? I am familiar with frog and toad metamorphasis but not of any caudata. How should I house them? Should they be seperated? Currently they are in a quart jar with duckweed, and other plants that I found where the pool they were found in was, Filled with water that they were found in as well, pending water tests. I do have a Reverse osmosis system that I use for misting water for my reptile collection, would it be ok to use the water out of the R/O system? What should I feed them? They are tiny. If I were to post a picture, can anyone try to identify them? I live in northern Indiana, and I'm not 100 percent sure, but I don't think they are tigrinum larvae, leaving this forum for our state's oddballs minus the mudpuppies and siren intermedia nettingi which I am sure it is not the latter. And finally....feeding. Are the larvae herbivorious like I have raised frog tadpoles in the past, or should I consider a more carnivorous diet? I do have access to live bloodworms and wingless fruitflies, or do I need smaller prey?? Sorry for all of the questions....Thanks in advance!