Found a salamander in my cellar!



As I was dragging out the christmas decorations I found one in my basement. Don't know how he got there or what he's doing there, but I'd like to somehow keep him alive until I can release him in the spring. Right now it's in the 30's with snow on the ground, so I don't think he'll survive outside. It looks like a mole sal. or a small mouth sal. based on the pictures on the site, but I can't really tell. He's mostly brown with some lighter spots/shading along his sides and belly. I read about getting a terrarium set up and feeding him tubifex worms, which I will do tonight, but if anyone has suggestions on how to keep him alive for the next three months I'd appreciate it!

Lori Mott
Tubifex is more geared towards aquatic animals and not to mole salamanders. Regular earth worms are the best food you can get, cut up if they're too large.

If it's a mole salamander it won't need a water dish or anything, just slope dirt that is fairly deep with a few hiding places such as bark and plants. Anything heavy you put in like a pot or rock make sure you put it in first before putting in the soil (black earth is best) otherwise they may dig under it and cause it to fall on it.

Crickets are another good option, and the occasional waxworms are good.
Oh..I forgot to mention the reason I suggested sloping the dirt was so you could pour a little water on the lower side and it would then move through the dirt, and the animal could pick where it wants to be, giving it the right amount of moisture.
could you get us a photo? Would love to see the little guy. (your so lucky, IVE cleaned by basement over and over and never find anything except slugs) LOL


p.s. keep the waxworms warm if you want them to move around by themselves. Mealworms are also okay but bite back, put (smaller mealworms) in fridge. Like rob said: go with the crickets. (its fun to watch)
I'll try to get a picture in the next few days. Right now he's buried himself so we'll see if he comes out. As soon as I put him on the dirt he started tunneling. After looking at more pictures, he looks like a Jefferson salamander which I know live around here, but I can't be sure. He's about 2.5 inches long, gray/brown with a lighter belly and some lighter speckles on the side. I have him set up in a terrerium and I'll get him something to eat from the pet store, or bring home some of the ants that are running around my office. Too bad he doesn't eat salad - that would make it so much easier!
lori where in ct are you? id be happy to take it off your hands if you dont want to keep.
I'm in Bethel - not sure I want to give it way though - I'm starting to get attached to him! Where are you? If I decide to give him away I'll definitely give you first choice.
im in ridgefield! only a 15 minute drive. keep in touch if you ever get tired of him. best of luck to you
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