Foods for jfbn


Jan 7, 2012
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United States
Im more or less seeing if they will eat pellets? if so, what kinds of pellets are best?
None. Feed it chopped garden worms, live black worms, and frozen blood worms. Pellets are a last resort for when you run out of the above items
I would disagree pellets were a last resort. They are usually formulated as "complete" foods and thus a valuable nutritional addition to a varied diet.

My JFBN eat reptomin and carnivorous fish pellets. Over the years pellets have formed a larger percentage of their diet, mainly for convenience on my part. The newts are as robust, healthy and fertile as they are on a diet of mainly worms.
I dont plan to use them as a staple diet, just to add to the variety :)
I would consider specially formulated pellets to be a superior choice to frozen bloodworms. They are more nutritionally complete and the calcium content is far better.
My C.pyrrhogaster eat axolotl pellets like little vacuums.
If you want to introduce healthy variety, other than the pellets i would recommend fresh-water crustaceans.
My pyrrhogaster (especially the males) are incredibly picky and won't really eat any earthworms - males only occasionally, females are a bit better. I am not talking just about compost worms, even the three types I can find in the garden. I haven't had any luck with pellets so far but I'm going to try again because the eat too many bloodworms.
Mark, did you have to train the newts to accept pellets? And Rodrigo, which type do you feed, please?
i feed the ones here black worms as a staple
My Kanto and Kyushu both eat 3/32" salmon pellets. I also feed them blackworms, chopped earthworms, frozen bloodworms, frozen brine shrimp, and daphnia. I use salmon pellets, blackworms, and chopped earthworms as staples.

As far as I can tell salmon pellets are identical to come commercially sold newt and salamander pellets.
Thats why i ordered some salmon pellets from you michael haha. I was mostly asking about pellets in case there was ever a time i ran out of everything else, id have the pellets on hand. Plus to add to the variety of foods to switch it up a bit lol. I have blood worms and earth worms. Id love to get daphnia and black worms too
My newts love turtle pelets and catfish pelets, although I plan to occasionally give live food in the form of tubifex worms and crickets.
Interestingly enough, they don't seem particularly interested in the water snails which inhabit their enclosure. I assumed that these would get eaten if the newts were feeling peckish.
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