Food quantities ??



please can some one tell me i have 2 lotals and one eats everyday is this wrong for them as she likes her food , the other eats every 5 to 7 days and seems happy with that also ,all help appreciated thx
I feed all mine everyday. And all go through spells of eating anything they can to total disinterest lasting 3 or 4 days.

I find that variety is the key earthworms are always most loved. But they like beef heart, lambs heart, liver (beef or lamb again), soft sinking pellets, wax worms.

Some would reccomend feeding every other day.This is probably on the right lines but we do like to spoil them.

To the lady using a quill why not simply use chopsticks or even your fingers. Personaly I use chopsticks as my fingers appear quite large next to food being offered.

Hi Guy's i am new to tis whoe experiance also so forgive me if i sound silly but these worms...are they alive and droped in whole or are they dead and chopped up?
I currently only feed my axie shrimp and blood worm.


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We chop our earthworms into around 1-2cm sections before feeding to the axolotls. The bits generally still wriggle in a lifelike manner after that.
Sorry to be simple, but do you buy these or just dig them out of the ground, as i have heard that they can make axies poorly? Something ref PH.

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I don't tend to chop worms up unless longer than 75mm long. My smallest Axie will tackle them no matter how big. I buy mixed worms cos I'm lazy and I get a good mixture of sizes in a tub. But I guess 1 -2 cm is ideal for most Axies.
We buy ours from WormsDirect, and keep them in a large container filled with known soil. Given the anti-slug and anti-insect chemical tendencies of gardeners round here, I wouldn't be comfortable with wild-caught worms locally ;)
Thanks guys!

Have a good day.

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"it should also accept insects"

Would that include woodlouse? Wee have hundreds, but few earthworms and no crickets
this is something I've often been unclear on. My Axo is about a foot long at one year old, and his appetite does not seem to have diminished.

The staples I feed him are beefheart, bloodworms (not tubifex), and brineshrimp, with the occasional feeder guppy every week or so. If I feed him anything less that a large mouthful a day, by evening, he will be hungry again. I feed him daily, with his water temp at about 63 F / 17 C.

I don't know if this is considered good practice for his age/size, but he doesn't seem to be complaining...
feeding my too babys whitebait worms crickets

they loves them heaps and they get fed every 2 days
Are tubifex worms not recommended for axies? I feed mine freezedried tubifex cubes and frozen cubes of beef. Should I add something else to make it a more rounded diet?
Freeze-dried food has very little nutritional value, and is usually not recommended. Frozen is better, but live is best. If you're trying to round out the diet, use earthworms. Earthworms are very nutritious.
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