Foggy water?


New member
May 1, 2011
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United States
So I am really confused.... My water has suddenly gotten really cloudy :( Before you ask, yup I checked the parameters: ammonia-0, nitrite-0, nitrate-20-50 depending on when I did a water change. A couple weeks ago, I took out my little Whisper filter and switched it with a sponge filter (Whisper had too much current, generated heat, and I needed it for another tank. I thought the sponge would be a better option for my axies). The past couple days, my water has been unbelievably cloudy, and I'm not sure why. Do you guys have any thoughts on this? The temperature is between 68-72 degrees F. I have been struggling with temperature lately; do you guys think this has anything to do with it? Quint and Hooper seem fine and don't seem to be having issues with it. They're both eating as usual, and Quint's healing hand doesn't look infected at all, so I don't think there's anything bad in the water. I don't think it's anything to be seriously worried about; I'm just really confused and it looks terrible :(
It might be that your tank needs to be re-cycled with the new filter...
Cloudy water is often caused by bacterial blooms.

In your tank, the combination of the new filter and warmer temperatures have probably created a good environment for bacteria. This isn't necessarily harmful, but it can be unsightly. It should go away with time.

What's your water change regime like? If it were my tank, I'd do a little more frequent water changes, something like 10% twice a week instead of once. This should help relieve the cloudiness and get your water back to normal looking.
I forgot to mention that the sponge filter was previously in my established community fish tank, so it's been seeded and cycled already. I also kept the Whisper running for about 2 weeks after I added the sponge filter as to not have to re-cycle. :) As far as I know, the community tank is disease-free, and I use the same water for all my tanks, including my axies. If my parameters are already reading like a cycled tank, I don't think it's re-cycling itself. I do a 20-30% water change on all my tanks at least once or twice a week, depending on my work schedule. I can try to change the axies water more often, but I changed it last night and it's already cloudy this morning. :(
That's pretty common. Try squeezing in an additional small change a week until the water clears up.
I'll have to do that. thanks!
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