Flaky fin, can anyone help?


New member
Jul 18, 2023
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United Kingdom
Hi all,

I have a very happy 12 month old axolotl who has just been through a bit of a growth spurt and now seems to have developed a problem with his fin, pretty much overnight.

It almost looks like he's grazed it against something, as it's right at the top, but we've noticed it flaking away over the course of the day. In the water it almost looks like egg white when you poach an egg in a pan!

No other issues, he's eating (very well!), gills are bright and clear, no curling of tail, no other skin issues.

I've read about infections and funguses, but haven't been able to find any images that look like what he's got.

Pic below, please excuse the massive poo that has since been cleaned up!

Any help or advice would be wonderful!
check all your water parameters.
use 2g/l non-iodised salt or 50% holtfreters+0.1g/l magnesium sulphate.
regularly squeeze clean moss balls (they rot from the inside)
check all your water parameters.
use 2g/l non-iodised salt or 50% holtfreters+0.1g/l magnesium sulphate.
regularly squeeze clean moss balls (they rot from the inside)
Thanks Wolfen, will have another check of the water.

How would I use the salt - just add to the tank?
dissolve in water then add to tank.
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