This is something I've been meaning to post for a while, but it may already be common knowledge. I keep eastern newts and as many of you know they die easily. Well here is what happened to me. I used Start Right to condition their water when I first started caring for them and I lost a lot of newts. It so happened that the second summer I was caring for them that I had 20 new baby newts and my cousins visited. Their child snuck in my room and turned over the babies cage and the water leaked out. Fortunately it was not long until I found them. Anyway I prepared new water for them and after about an hour I noticed about 5 of them starting to bloat up like they normally would when I found them dead. Only these were still alive. So I pulled them out of the water and after a while the bloating went down. I started to figure maybe the Start Right which is for fish tanks was toxic for them. So I just went outside and dipped some water from the pool where I found them. Those 5 babies did die but after that I started using distilled water and now I use something specifically for amphibians and I have been having a lot less problems with them. Maybe I should have known better in the first place but I thought hey fish and newts both live under water. But it may be something to consider that if you dont get the amounts of Start Right or some other fish product just right that the eastern newts may be sensitive to it. I'd like to know the opinions of anyone who has more experience with them than I do. BTW aren't these little guys just adorable? I have one baby that gets so excited over feeding time that he scratches on the side of the tank and it takes him a while to notice the food. My fiance says they are dumb but I think they are very intelligent because they come to me when I tap on the side of the tank.