Woohoo! Cloud numbers are back to a dozen. 5 tiny little darting specs have been spotted over the last two days.
The clouds were mainly for cycling the tank. While I don't consider any animal as 'disposable' I was not going to be unhappy if they became an enrichment activity to stop the axies getting bored. A stable population would be better, though. I was considering throwing in another 10, but I'll wait a bit and see how the fry go. The size difference between the 2 specks I spotted on. Thursday and the 3 new specks that appeared last night is phenomenal - at least 200%, possibly 300%. Fast growing is an understatement.
Neither shrimpers has caused me much stress. 50 red cherries from a local breeder and 50 glass shrimp (same species as cherries in oz, not the brackish carnivores elsewhere) which were probably intended as feeders. Weirdly, the large tank I have at home and which I am carefully aquascaping and tending is moving quite slowly. The old tank at kinder with gravel from my Goldie tank , an ornament i aged with the goldies a month, a handful of java mess, and pretty much ignored except for the teacher over feeding them, is going gangbusters. The walls are green with algae, and the shrimp are so numerous I took a few home to blister my big tank and try a dozen to snack on a bit of muck with the axies. (as of this morning we know at least 4 are still in there).
My shrimpery suggestion would be benign neglect - heater at 22-25*C, dirty gravel from fishies, a handful of java moss or equivalent for them to breed, and a bit of food until algae gets a good hold. Expect to lose a few from stress in the move. And only use a bubble filter or they'll get sucked up by the impeller and mulched. I had a potted plant with the goldies that was starting to look a bit urky. Put it in the shrimps at breakfast time. 2 hours later I couldn't, see green for the shrimps. By dinner it was spotless and ready to go back.