First time axie mum(grandma??)


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Mar 1, 2022
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I am a first time axolotl mum or maybe it's grandma if the babies have babies..?
I have been looking up blogs and lurking forums for most of my info but now I'm stumped. My axolotls laid eggs about 20 days ago. With a lot of umming and ahhing about it, I decided to keep a bunch of them in a spare tank to hatch. I didn't cycle the tank before putting them in. Just wet the filter's sponge in the tank that the grown-ups live in and then filled it with water. I put a heater in there too and well I put the eggs in there with no real thought of anything. The eggs have hatched and the babies are around 1.5 cm, being fed brine shrimp I'm cultivating twice a day, with a 50% water change so that the shrimp dont ruin the water. But now I'm thinking about what to do as they grow. On a whim I bought a second small tank for them so I can split them up(by size to stop the smaller being eaten..?)
But I've never cycled a tank before, I was planning on leaving it bare glass, since I'm planning on giving the babies to a mate who owns a fish shop once they're old enough. But if it's plain, with no plants or anything how does cycling work??

Trust me I did not plan on becoming a breeder but my autistic daughter has been loving watching them develop from little white balls in slime to the mini axolotls that she loves.
Any tips or advise on cycling or what to expect and how to deal with growing axolotls would be appreciated!!


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I would like to add, we are on rainwater, not treated town water.
your best bet to find information regarding young would be to go through the breading thread on this forum.
because you are using rain water you do need to be aware that axolotls do require salts and minerals to stay healthy.
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