First setup with a larger tank


New member
Sep 27, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, GA
United States
Still working on this one, but thought i'd post my progress. Its my first tank larger than 20 gallons, and my first actual axolotl tank.


(The sand hasnt completely settled in this picture)

45 gallon tank
home-made sponge filters
sand substrate
slate hides
elodea, bacopa, java fern, java moss, and amazon swords planted

going to do some more slate work for slightly higher profile structures, and black the back of it. So far my little guys love it, the biggest clocking in at 5" in length and the others about 4".

Looks like a nice set-up! I would just suggest that the sand is a little to thick in the corners, I realize you are doing it for the plants but you really shouldn't need that much sand. The problem is that thicker sand tends to get toxic gas pockets that may release toxins if stirred up. But looks good, how long has your tank been up before you added your axies? I am assuming that since the sand has not settled that you are cycling with the axies? Just be sure to keep checking water parameters and do small water changes ever day to keep the high levels down, if you are! :)

The water, slate, and sponge filters were going for about 2 weeks with some water from another tank before i added sand and plants, then another week or two before the axolotls were added. Water parameters are testing out at 0ppm ammonia, 0ppm nitrite, and 10ppm nitrate when i checked it last night. ph around 6.4 currently. these readings have been relatively consistent with the nitrate having some fluctuations.

The sand buildup in the corners is a bit deceptive, alot of that is just sand pushed against the glass (they love rolling through the bacopa). I'll likely end up pulling some of the sand out once the elodea and bacopa get some roots established though.
Looking good!
They look like they're enjoying their new home :D

About the pH - that seems a little you have anything in the tank that might be making it drop or is that what comes out of your taps? O_O Axies tend to prefer slightly alkaline (ph 7.0+) water but if that's what is coming out of your taps then it's easier to leave it rather than try mess with it. I think axies are pretty good at adjusting to pH levels.
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The Ph has gone down since i started the tank, i assume its due to the nitrogen cycle. from what I read certain parts are acidic reactions. i'm going to continue with water changes to bring it back up closer to 7...if i recall my tap water was either a 6.8 or 6.9.
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