Hello. Recently my first CFBN larva morphed! I found if climbing the walls of its half land half water tank this morning. It still appears to have gill nubs; is it in fact 100% terrestrial now? Thanks.
Some retain the gill buds for a few days and keep returning to the water until they eventually disappear entirely.
It will be fully terrestrial for a while, perhaps weeks, and then if you provide adequate water areas, it may lead a semi-aquatic life. Some refuse to enter the water for longer, and some won´t touch it until adulthood.
That´s right. Once the process of reabsorving the gills is on it´s way, even if there´s still a remnant, the animal is ready for land. I´ve had the odd one go on land with still quite a bit of its gills (more than just buds).
By the way, congratulations! xDD It´s a very special moment when they start to morph
I pull mine as soon as they start climbing. Please keep us posted on the attempt to keep them aquatic. Make sure they have adequate pull out points or they may drown.
Theyll be in about an inch or two of water, choked with plants and some rocks breaking the surface.. I'd put pictures up but my camera is horrible. Maybe I'll ask my parents if we have anything better.
Make that 1 inch, at least until you monitor their behaviour for a while and see how they react.
I´m having great success this year with raising them semi-aquatically. I think it actually makes things easier.
Thanks all! As this is my first time breeding, I'm doing a few experiments. I've got 2 larvae in with the adults, 3 larvae outside in containers of pond water, and 20 something that are inside being raised on blackworms alone. Once they morph they will be sold or put into terrestrial or aquatic habitats and further studied.
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