Fire Salamander Help Please!


New member
Feb 10, 2009
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United States
Well, she is my big girl and over a 2 night span while I was away, My father opened the basement windows. So it became humid and warmer. Around 78F. I came home scared because she was thinner than normal and walked like she was drunk and fell over walking. It looked like she was struggleing to walk. I cooled her down. I put her in quarentine away from the male and she is walking better with out the falling over. I put some ice cubes in a package and then put a couple of layers of Paper Towels over and misted it to make it damp for her. The only thing I am worried about is her apetite is bad. She wont eat any crickets or Waxworms. Forget the earth worms because none of my fire sallys like them for some odd reason.

What is the Best way to get her to eat? I dont want to force feed her and frankly I dont know how because I dont have 3 hands. I wouldnt be able to pry her open then grab the cricket while holding her...ugh it wouldnt work. So what can I do. I think she will make it through the night so I have put 2 adullt dusted crickets in there and ripped the back legs off to make them easier targets. I am fresh out of waxworms but will pick some up in the morning. I threw one earth worm in there in case she does change her mind. I am a little worried as you can tell. She is My proven Breeder who I get off spring once a year from. ANy tips PLEASE!! I dont want to rush it feeding her since she is now cooling off. But I need to know incase I dont see improvements tomorow.
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How often does she normally eat?

Do you have a vet in your area that specializes in amphibians? If not better by tomorrow, you may want to make some calls to see if you have any vets in your area that treat exotic animals...specifically your kind. They can run some tests. Save any fecal material that she may do overnight and refrigerate it, unless you are going to be calling and possibly going in within an hour. See what they want you to do.

I hope I have helped at least somewhat.

She may just not be interested until she has recovered, but make sure she does not get nipped on by the crickets. You don't want her to get an infected sore from bites. Have a time limit that you allow them in there with her if she appears weak and disinterested, and try more frequently, rather than leaving them in there overnight with her.

Best of luck, and please keep us informed!
Critter Mom
Honestly, I think she is just off her normal routine because of the heat stress. Give her about 3 or 4 days to recover and she should be back to normal. Just keep her cool and try not to stress her out anymore than she already is.
thanks guys.

Justin, she is a little on the thin side but alert. I will wach her carefully and leave her alone. She is showing signs of improving. I found 2 sores on her from the heat stress and They seem to be turning a dark red which from what I understand is a good sign that means no infection so far. I willkeep you guys updated everyday . Thank again for the help so far.
Another update, Her 2 small sores are healing great. I am only concerned about her not eating. She is becoming drasticly thin. If she doesnt eat tonight I fear I may have to try to force feed her if her wieght worsens.
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