Fire Salamander Enclosure


New member
Aug 15, 2009
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South Carolina
United States
I'm looking to get a fire salamander a few weeks down the road (as soon as I find some CB animals for sale) but I decided to go ahead and set up the enclosure and get your thoughts. I have a 1.5 inch layer of pea gravel with 2-3 inches of shredded coconut, tree bark, and leaf litter. Sphagnum moss is only on one side of the tank (I've heard some express concerns over acidity). There are three hiding spots and the plant life includes two mosses, some Lycopodium, some English ivy, and a dwarf crested iris. A plastic pipe is covered by bark and is used to wet the pea gravel so the moisture can evenly build up in the substrate without becoming too wet. The only other living things in the tank are some sowbugs to break down the leaf litter. All of this is in a 20 gal long tank. Is it suitable for a fire salamander? Thanks for any replies!

BTW, I apologize for the quality of the picture. It was taken with my cell phone.


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That's a very good set up for one or a small group of fire salamander. My set up is very similar.
Be aware that they can be quite shy and that with such a set up, you will not see youre sals that often...
Thank you. I designed the enclosure after reading various threads and looking over many photos of other tanks. I realize that fire salamanders may be shy but the health and well-being of the animal should always come before my personal enjoyment. Once they recognize me as a food source I'm sure they will become more active!
... fire salamanders ... Once they recognize me as a food source I'm sure they will become more active!

I think you can count on that. I have three s.s. gallaica who used to hide quite a bit, but now whenever anyone enters their room, they come charging out, hoping to be fed. It took about a year for them to reach this stage, but they now seem entirely comfortable with people and a really quite engaging little beasties.
yeah im getting my first fire salamander soon in fact the viv arrived today 60cmX45X60 and ill be putting some gravel in the bottom then some special soil then a little spagnum moss on top.
ill be having a few hides and maybe two water dishes
i also read in a book that it is important that when cleaning the enclousre to put the hides back in the same place that they were originally in.

good luck

charlie :)
Nice setup Richard. What are the dimensions of the tank? Looks about 30" long?
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