Fire belly newts



<font face="arial,helvetica"></font><font color="000000">hey all, i am thinking about getting some fire belly newts, i have some expeience w/ newts. i have a pygmy marbled newt and a california newt. i've kept FBN, but that was when in was in kindergarden
. i have an empty 20 gallon that i would put them in. could i keep african dwarf frogs, shrimp, or fish in with them? one more question; what is the best land/water set up, and if anybody has pics of their tanks that would be really helpful. i'm aiming for a really nice natural set up with moss, bromeilads, ferns, fig, and tons of aquatic plants. like a paludarium, but with more water. would i need a filter? if i had snails? </font>}
surf the site and forum, all is answered
And while you are at the site Cameron linked, read the FAQ and CFB caresheet. We're all happy to help with specific questions not answered there. Good luck, and thank you for asking questions before getting the newts
i wouldn't keep dwarf frogs with FBN because dwarf frogs like to bite there arms off unless you have a paddle tail that can take care of it's self.
I'm having trouble with what you meant with your post Mike, but if you meant to say that it's okay to keep dwarf frogs with paddle tail newts, its not. Not unless you want those dwarf frogs becoming dinner for the paddle tails.
I haven't had one problem at all with my dwarf frogs and paddle tails. maybe it's because i have the red belly kind but i don't know? i keep hearing people say that they'll eat them well not mine.
i'm 100% sure there paddle tails. and i have had them for a couple months now and nothing has happend. the only thing they do is sometimes chase each other but that's it. my dwarf frogs have been fine. but like i said i don't recommend keeping dwarf frogs with regular chinese fire belly newts because the dwarf frogs will bite there legs off.
I still agree with Jennifer, it is only a matter of time. You're paddle tails will become territorial and it will be messy.
Don't do it...
Don't mix Paddletails with any other critter...
Trust the people who have warned you... it IS only a matter of time, and it will be TRAGIC.
I speak from experience.
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