Illness/Sickness: Fire Belly Newt with flys?


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Oct 24, 2010
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I have 3 Chinese Fire Belly Newts. Ever since I got them they have been terrestrial. They never go into the water so I am guessing my water quality sucks (I don't know how old they are, got them from Big All's fish store) but I don't have a testing kit (I'll get on that as soon as possible).

They stay in this container that I put in the tank that is filled with moss, dirt and wood chips. Stupid me... The stuff came from outside and I didnt sterilize it at all. So now they have these itty bitty tiny flys or bugs or w.e. they are, that are small with wings. My bf does not see them but I swear I saw them last night. Constantly running accross them too.

I never see them come out or go back in the dirt. Well, frankly, I never see them at all... So I dont even know if they are eating. I feed them frozen blood worms but in order for them to eat they would have to go into the water...

I check on them every other day and sprits the substrate when it looks dry. I thought newts where suppose to be erm... covered with a film of mucus or something? Mine are dry and looks bumpy? Well at least one more then the other two. The bumpy one is looking really skinny. I'm very worried.

I set up a hospital tank with shallow water (so it's easier to feed them, I am going to try and feed pin head crickets, worms and fruit flys). I have an airater in there too along with java moss and a japanese moss ball to get the bacteria going. I got the water from my filtered tap and added AquaSafe that apparently makes the water neutral for chlorine. I added also some ornaments and some substrate from my old tank that ive had going for a few years (I assume its healthy since everything seemed fine and dandy with no problems).

Now I am waiting for everything to cycle and take a sample to my local petstore to get tested in the meantime while I wait for the testing kit.

What else should I be doing? How do I get rid of the pests? :confused: :(
Any response to my book will be appreciated! Lol srry for the long question... The pic is of my 2 fire bellys that look okay but the skinny one isnt in the picture. I'll have to take one tomorrow if you guys think you need a look?


  • Tank Setup 008.jpg
    Tank Setup 008.jpg
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Well, it´s perfectly normal for them to be terrestrial. It´s a very common response to the stress and terrible conditions they have suffered at the shop and during the importation from China. It´s a very traumatic thing, and water quality is usually terrible at petshops (ha!) which makes them go terrestrial. It can take a long while for them to go back to water, so be patient. What you need to do is provide excellent water conditions and general housing(no current, LOTS of plants...)so that they can feel comfortable going back to an aquatic life (they can chemically "taste" the water, so quality is needed).
You should have no less than 10gallons of water. Preferably more for three animals (the bigger the tank, the more water and the easier everything will be for you). As you already know cycling is necessary. Don´t expect them to go back to water until the cycling process is complete, it´s very likely not to happen.

Try to offer cool temps since it will bust their inmune system and slow their metabolisms.
Earthworms are the ideal food and they should take them. Waxworms will be handy now since they create a great feeding response and are rich in fat to help them recover some weight.
Offer hiding places, low light and as little disturbance as you can manage.

As for the flie thingies, they are probaby gnats. They are not really a pest, they should be completely harmless to you and might make a quick ite for your newts, so i wouldn´t worry at all about them. If they bother you, covering the lid with fine cloth should do the trick.

Have you read the caresheet for Hypselotriton(Cynops) orientalis?:
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Thank you very much. Glad to hear that they seem to be ok besides the not eating part. I'll just offer them everyhting I can and get the hospital tank cycled so it is much quieter for them untill they feel comfterble. :D Ty for the article!
I agree, they are probably just gnats, no problem. In fact, if they are eating anything, it's probably the live micro-organisms that came in with the moss. Try to get some fruit flies or pinhead crickets or whiteworms in there.
Will do. Going to the pet shop hopefully very soon. Will pick up some food and bring a sample of my hospital tanks water to see if it is ok to put them in.
The water is perfect aparently just a little soft but it's safe. And so I moved them to the hospital tank and gave them a small worm and pin head crickets.One of them just loves em but the smallest one is very slow so I am going to try and hand feed him and then the other one just wants to climb the glass :D I always get the weird animals!
Climbing the glass is a sign that the animal does want to leave the water, wether because it´s not redy t be quatic or because it´s quality is inadequate. If it persist, remove the animal, it could drown.
Okay. Only one keeps climbing the glass. the other 2 seem to be foraging for food in the java moss and every-now-and then poke their head to the top. If he keeps doing it by tomorrow, I will see to it that he gets proper housing. ;)
Well now today they are all swimming in the water and then sitting on the semi submerged rocks I put in there. So they are still wet but on land kinda deal. :p
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