Fire Belly Newt: Possible Bloat or Mouth Rot?


New member
Mar 15, 2023
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New Brunswick, Canada
Hi everyone! I am attaching pictures of my fire belly newt, who is ill. I first noticed symptoms on Monday evening, he has suddenly become very swollen looking and thought it was bloat. However, last night I noticed a white growth protruding from his mouth, which he later sucked back inside. So now I am debating if it is mouth rot, but I cannot find much information online.

For background info, he is approximately 11 years old and has lived in the same tank for roughly 8 of them. No changes in food (alternating newt pellets and freeze dried shrimp) and no other pets in the tank. I did try a salt bath last night for 15 minutes, though I don’t know if that is any help to him (2tsp sea salt in 1L water).

I realize that seeing a vet would be a logical suggestion, but I have called every vet in a 3 hour drive radius and only two treat exotic animals. One isn’t taking new clients, and one was willing to look at pictures, but said she isn’t experienced enough about newt ailments and anatomy to know what the issue was, and her next available in-person appointment to do an exam isn’t for another month and a half. So I’m rather desperate to find anything that might be able to help him, or to at least know if he can even be helped at this point. I’ll take any advice I can get!


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Oh that sounds bad it might be fungus growing on him. Fungus can be very harmful to amphibians sometimes
I ended up paying a ridiculous amount this evening to go to a local emergency vet, simply because she was able to phone conference with another vet at the time (who was more experienced with exotic animals). They figured it was most likely one of two possible causes, kidney failure or an infection. He was prescribed antibiotics baths/wraps 3x per day for 20 minutes, for 7 days. If it’s an infection, then that will help. But if it’s kidney failure or something along those lines, then unfortunately there is nothing to be done. I also did a 50% water change last night, and another 50% water change tonight, in hopes it might help. The other concern is that the mouth growth is inhibiting his ability to eat, so it’s a compound problem. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that this helps him. And welcome any other advice as well!

Also looking for food ideas that might entice him enough to even attempt eating, in hopes he can get something into him. Pic of Squirt in his antibiotic spa for good measure.


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