my fire-belly newt changed colour in about 2 days from dark black to light green.
is that normal or sign of sickness?
their behaviour didnt change they are very active and hungry as ever
they eat artemias and sometimes bloodworms
should i make more water changes?
i change once a week some of the water and feed them every second day.
unfortunatly one of the 3 escaped last night and i dont even know how.
if thats a sign of stress its pretty new to me becouse i have them for some moths already.
is that normal or sign of sickness?
their behaviour didnt change they are very active and hungry as ever
they eat artemias and sometimes bloodworms
should i make more water changes?
i change once a week some of the water and feed them every second day.
unfortunatly one of the 3 escaped last night and i dont even know how.
if thats a sign of stress its pretty new to me becouse i have them for some moths already.