Fire Bellied Toad Questions




I have three fire bellied toads. I have just found out that I have 2 males and one
female, because The males are the only frogs that do the mating calls, and when
they are mating, The males are always on the top. I am not much of a fire bellied
toad breeder, but what does it mean when a female is gravid? Should I move my
female into a different tank from the males? I feel really bad for her becuase the
males are always trying to mate with her everyday and it looks like they are hurting her,
at one point she was lying on her back, because the male was trying to mate so

To breed these toads, does there need to be a certain tempurature in the water
or tank?

Please help!!
AW: Fire Bellied Toad Questions

Gravid means that the female got eggs. Don't need to get her away from the males. They don't hurt her. If you are interested in breeding these toads, I advice you a temperature around 22-25°C.
I agree, do not worry about the female too much. Only if she stops feeding or shows other signs of illness should you be worried.

If you don't want to breed them you can just destroy the eggs before they start developing.

If you do want to breed I would just leave them to it, if the female is gravid it is likely she will spawn. Good luck if you do, I hear raising the tadpoles is quite interesting (I haven't done it yet as mine have not bred yet).
Really enjoyed breeding them. I mean, look at these little buggers. Aren't they just adorable?


Yes, those tadpoles do look cute.

So, does the female only get gravid when she is ready? or is there
something you do to make her? and also if they do lay eggs do you need to
move the adults as they could eat them? and what do tadpoles eat?
and what kind of setup do you need form eggs and tadpoles to get raised in a tank?

I have had my frogs for 2 years now and they have always always mated all the time
and they have never layed any eggs. Does it have something to do with the
seasons? because I know that some people make their tank water colder in
the winter so that the frogs know that it is winter time.

Sometimes I do see this weird slimey stuff in the water of the bottom of their
tank and it had black dots in it, I didn't really think that would be eggs though
because they werent round and I maybe thought that it would be just some
shed skin.

Thank you for all of your help so far!
if i were u i would feed them mull worms and then that will make them breed
AW: Re: Fire Bellied Toad Questions

if i were u i would feed them mull worms and then that will make them breed

This has nothing to do with a diet of mull worms (whatever they are). I've kept and bred Bombina orientalis for almost 18 years, and mine were always fed on earthworms and crickets. I think earthworms are the best you can feed them.
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