Fire Bellied Newt Filter Q


New member
Aug 3, 2008
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United Kingdom
hey im moving my fire belly newts into a newt larger tank soon and ive got a new filter. OK after the tank has finished cycling is it ok if i only keep the filter on during the day and turn it off when i got to bed or does it need to be on all the time

its a good filter
You should never turn a filter off (except for a very short period when changing water for instance).

The point behind a filter is that it contains bacteria that break down stuff like ammonia to nitrate. If you shut it down it will become anoxic and the bacteria will die. This releases a lot of nasty stuff when you turn it back on.
So either run it constantly or do not run it at all.

Many do not use a filter in a Cynops tank at all.
A filter is not needed in a Cynops tank. Spot cleaning (with a turkey baster) and partial water changes is all you need to do.
Nah ill just keep the filter ive got atm running all the time. i dont have the time to do a partial water change every day it wouldnt be fair on the newts if i kept missing it.
The water changes do not need to be daily.....actually once a week, or even every two weeks depending on tank size is the recomended procedure.
Filters produce heat, and now, in summer, they should be avoided. I personally don´t use filters in any of my tanks anymore. Just plant it nicely (i prefer heavily) and do the weekly water´ll be golden.
im not a believer in the "they dont need a filter" line of thinking. i guess i maybe ok in large amounts of water and small numbers of newts say 4 in a 50 gallon but my 4 are going into a 20 gallon tank and there is no way i will believe that ammonia and other hazardous chemicals can be kept at safe levels with just a weekly 1/3 water change

im not having a go im just letting people know where i stand on the matter.
and i would like to say thanks for the advise on the filter.
ammonia is broken down by bacteria and the nitrate is taken up by the plants

I've got 9 in a 70 liter tank (18 gallon for the metrically challenged), no filter, lots of plants and a weekly 20 l waterchange. Never had a problem.

I wouldn't advice to stack it that heavily but it works.

If you want to run the filter it is OK too as long as you keep it running. (although it will not remove any of these "hazardous chemicals")
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