Question: Finding live food in Western Australia


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Jun 8, 2010
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Much to my surprise / panic my 2 classroom axolotls have laid eggs!:eek:
I have followed the advice on your forum and set up a seperate tank for the eggs but am worried about how I am going to feed them once they are hatched before they are able to have pellets. Does anyone know where I can get suitable food for the hatchings in SW Western Australia? If needs be I can do a day trip to Perth, Bunbury or Albany to get them some. I have followed your tip put the tank in a cool place to try and slow them down to give me more time to get organised. Looking forward to hearing from you all.
I'm not sure where to get them in Australia but you either need baby brine shrimp, which you can hatch yourself with brine shrimp eggs.

YouTube - Tutorial: Brine Shrimp Hatchery

Or you can use daphnia if they are small enough. You might be able to use microworms too but I'm not completely sure they eat them that well. You will definitely be able to buy brine shrimp eggs off of ebay, that's where I got mine from.
I'd go the baby brine shrimp route - hatch your own, and the students can enjoy that too! I did it with eggs and salt mix off ebay from MikesWetPets. 2 liter pop bottle with the bottom cut off, air pump, piece of tape to hold the air hose down on the top of the edge and viola! :D Instant babies in about 15 hours! I didn't use a heater or anything...each batch lasted about 5 days and the new baby axies snapped them up like crazy! :p (I just made sure to rinse them in a coffee filter with a medicine dropper before feeding to remove the salt. :happy:)
Did you have any luck with your eggs? I am from WA too, and our Axies have eggs.
Just wanted to add to this is anyone does a future search that "VEBAS AQUARIUMS" on Carrington Rd sell live Daphnia!!
I'm not in Western Australia, but Western Sydney. I've been trying to hatch brine shrimp eggs for the past four days (two batches) and don't think I'm getting anywhere.
I have made a hatchery with bottles, airflow from base etc. I've added salt and light and even tried heating. Am I supposed to be able to see anything other than orange sand? Will the hatched brine shrimp "swim"?
My hatchery product looks like clear water with sand grains that sink.
I'm using some NTLABS Brine Shrimp eggs without shells.
Does it sound like I'm doing anything wrong?
Hi Penny I have no idea. I am using store bought Daphnia only. My babies are about 7 days old now and infant loss is minimal (probably those that were abit odd to begin with).
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1