Question: Finding Axolotls


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Jul 25, 2010
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United States
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Hey everyone!

I am currently getting set up to get some axolotls! I have a 55 gallon tank and I have been asking all sorts of questions on another post in the tank set up section. :tongue:

My question is: I live in Oregon and I haven't seen any axolotls around here. Does anyone know of somewhere in Oregon that would have any axolotls? If not, what about a good breeder I could order some from? I am not entirely set up yet and I imagine that it will take me about a month to get everything completely set up and it is pretty hot here right now so I would like to wait until it cools down a bit. :) I'm also wanting to get live plants.:D Just trying to get everything all ready!
Also: Has anyone had luck with buying off of When they are shipped do they arrive healthy? Are there other sites out there if I am unable to find a breeder?
Another thought: what if I bought eggs? Would that be recommended? I have several tanks that I could use to keep them separated, but I would only want to order a small amount.
Any suggestions?
Have you had a look at the for sale section, you could also post a request in the wanted section.

Maybe ebay?

There is a very highly thought after breeder that uses these forums named Michael Shrom, user name michael, I am sure he will have an axie or two for you. there are many a happy owner on these forums with a Michael axolotl
Thank you! I will look around! I didn't know there was a For Sale section! Silly me! Still learning how to get around on this site. :) I will look for that section now! And I will see if Michael has some axies! Thank you very much!
:eek:we ordered one from they arrive healthy
I can't find where you order them on that site.

Just type axolotl in the search. Shipping is only $8 so a wild type comes out to $35.95 shipped. That isn't bad when you can get a deal from a breeder on this site.

Albino's are about $8 more. Those are still good prices. I haven't seen anywhere else that sell axies for cheaper. In a month or when my tank is set up I may get one from these guys.
There is a very highly thought after breeder that uses these forums named Michael Shrom, user name michael, I am sure he will have an axie or two for you. there are many a happy owner on these forums with a Michael axolotl

Indeed, Tom! I am one of them as most already know! I have a gfp wild, a gfp melanoid, and a leucistic from him. Please check the FS section at the bottom of the Forum index page and just below that is a wanted section where you can post exactly what you are looking for. Michael does have a few available and something else to keep in mind is if you deal with a forum member, you will know the genetic background of your axolotl.

Out here, people breed keeping quality in mind. The same can't always be said for non-members. Good luck in your quest!
Thank you everyone for all of your advice! I haven't seen any available in the for sale section for some time. I am also contemplating ordering eggs.... but not too sure just yet! ;)
I have a 55 gallon and a 20 gallon tank. So I have plenty of room! Heh. So I'm not sure what I want to do. I'm thinking I will order one to start out with and then maybe later try raising babies. :D :D :D
Where in Oregon do you live? There's a pet store in Eugene that sells them.
Is there really? Do they little guys look healthy? How are their prices? What is the name of the store?
Does ship to Canada? It's driving me crazy trying to find one of these guys!
I ordered eggs and have been working to raise the juveniles. It's been interesting and since I spent just $1 per egg plus shipping I had so little invested in my animals that I wasn't nervous about losing a few. The "bad" thing was, I've only lost two - one managed to get into a larger axie's section and was eaten and the other was beaten up by his roommate before I noticed. I have pretty much kept them in separate containers or alone in divided sections of a larger aquarium. This system seems to work. I still need to cull about half of these because a dozen is way more than I need for my classroom. I don't think I'll have any difficulty finding homes locally once I get to that point. I got my first set of eggs from Michael Shrom in April (mixed heritage) and have kept five of those juveniles. They are now over 4" long and I will move three of them into my 55 gal tank at school next week. I also have 7 golden albinos from Shoegal that I got in May. They are over 3" long and I will continue to keep them separately for a little bit longer. I plan to keep three of these but I want to make sure I have an appropriate mix of males and females in my collection before I get rid of any more. All that said to encourage you to try raising them from eggs.

Thank you for the encouragement! I think I just might have to try it!
Update: I am getting some from Michael! So excited!!!! :D :D :D
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  • jcjchdjdj:
    What are good worms for axolotls
  • AxieCrazy:
    Hello. I’m looking for some input. My axolotl is about 7 months old. I came home and her gills are completely white. I was reading that they do shed around this age. Could this be why her gills are white? The ph is 6.5-7. Nitrates are 80 Nitrites 0.5
  • AxieCrazy:
    My axolotl’s gills have turned completely white. she is about 7 months old. I fed her a couple of pellets to see if she would eat. One hit her head and she flipped out. Started darting all around the tank. Temp, ammonia, nitrates are all in range. Anyone know why this is happening? I pu
  • Anlucero:
    I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his tank. I have a 20 gallon tank. No other tank mates. 2 hides and a bare bottom. I didn't feed him the last two days. His belly looks swollen and dark in color. I believe it is the food you can see. I fed him blood worms and soft quick sinking axoloty pellets. I tested his water today. Ph was 7.6. The nitrite and nitrate were both zero. The ammonia was 0.25 ppm. I was advised to cycle my tank due to the lack of nitrate. I added Seachem stability 10 ml to my tank yesterday and 5 ml today. I have a tank chiller. The water temp is set at 64. He is still active, but his tail floats up when he is moving about the tank. I am on the fence about fridging him. I also don't know how long to go without feeding him. I don't want to harm him. Please help asap. Thank you.
    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1