Finally! the 36 gal bow front build begins!!!!


Jan 12, 2010
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United States
So my tank build has begun! I actually it started about 2 weeks ago but now it's really moving along! I started the planning phase a month or two ago, and I'm glad I started planning that early!

I have a blog set up on tumblr giving all the details of my build but here is a a photo of the most recent step!:D:D


Let me know your thoughts on this!

I'm doing a second can of great stuff on the rock wall tomorrow in order to complete it and I'm not 100% sure what i'm doing on the intake wall (the one that is partially covered in foil)

1) I'm getting close to the finishing that rock wall. I'm curious if there are any suggestions as to what i should do with the filter compartment wall thinking elongated less deep rocks?

2) Also as I'm planning ahead, I'm thinking about the bottom. I'm going to be doing the silicone with sand pressed into it.

this sand will work right?

it's found at home depot.

3) Is it a good or bad idea to also include a very thin layer of loose sand, I have a feeling I'm going to have PLENTY of left over sand. (plan on using it with some large gravel i have to pot underwater plants).

4) For over the water plants is composted soil safe for newts?
Nice plans! I've got a 40 gallon tank I'm going to be doing a Great Stuff landscape/background in as well. That sand is fine. I've used sand bottoms in tanks before with no problems. I plan on doing a small area with a 2" glass divider on one end that will have sand siliconed onto the bare tank bottom for feeding and clean-up and then planting the rest of the tank in sand.

Good luck. I've bookmarked your blog and I'm looking forward to the updates.
Looking good! I noticed you said gravel, how are you securing it? Last thing you want is for your lovely habitat to not have an axie in it coz they're hanging out in the fridge trying to survive an impaction!
Can't wait for more photos!
ok... so I've gotten pretty far with this but I'm now having a bit of a freakout!!!!!!

Is carved greatstuff waterproof? (i heard it was closed cell so one would think yes?)

Is painting cement with acrylic bonding stuff going to be ok on bare carved greatstuff?
I'm using exactly this.

This is the thread that i'm basing the cement on I know it's not recommended to be submerged by the creator but other people mentioned ways of curing it all.

I've already siliconed everything in today. I'm suddenly terrified I'm making a big mistake and my tank will fall apart in a few months!
*newt/salamander- What kind are you putting in? (I'd still (personally) be TERRIFIED at the thought of putting gravel in any caudate setup :) !)
I'm putting chinese firebelly newts in there. I'm really excited about getting to that point but from now to them i'm pretty stressed about!
I am sure that it will look great and depending on how many fire bellied newts you have, i have heard that african dwarf frogs do well with fire bellied newts. I have 4 fire bellied newts, 2 pairs, and i LOVE them.
African Dwarf Frogs do NOT go well with any species of caudata. Their temperature requirements alone are very different besides the added stress and other risks associated with mixing species.
I wont be putting any frogs in there, if anything I'll be putting minnows if anything at all.

I'll probably have 6-7 newts in there. I'm pretty excited.

Does anyone know anything about using gorilla glue as an expanding foam selant?

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So i've skipped sharing a bunch of steps, i'll back track that later.

Tank is progressing very nicely! it's been cemented the tank has been painted, background has been coco fibered! I must say I'm VERY proud of this project!


I took this early this morning right now it's soaking and I'm researching how to make it safe for my salamanders. I remember something about a diluted vinegar bath but i don't recall the details. if i search cement vinegar it turns up no results.

any ideas or hints? I'm also searching the dendro board for more details.
FINALLY! so after nearly 2 months (sheesh!) my tank is nearly complete.

I have it set up in the house with water sand and driftwood decorations! I poured it full gallon by gallon to find it holds 20 gallons! (YAY!!!) although it's a 36 it is only full 2/3 ish and has water displacing background but 20 seems great for me! now i'm working on getting it cycled

Now I have questions about Filters...
at the moment I have
inside of my 'filter compartments' i have a repto filter by tetra running the water pours into the second compartment, where i have a pond pump moving the water out into a hose.... that will be the cooling system once i figure out how to fit all that hosing in a cold place lol. and that releases on the other side of the tank and makes a lovely slow/ low current on the surface!

I WANT a canister filter, I NEED it to be place under my tank in the cabinet, is this a problem?? what would you suggest?

I need it to filter 20 gallons of water and function beneath the bottom of the tank, so about 3-4 feet below the top of the water.
you could get a larger canister filter and put valves on the in and out tubing to contol water volume.
By larger, you mean designated for larger tanks? do you have a suggestion as to a model? Have you done this before??
I'm so excited! I've planted and decorated and now have 3 guppy fry in there to help cycle my tank while I solve how to make my top.

I woke up this morning to find a salamander crisp in my drive way :'(
He escaped the temporary housing in the garage and snuck under the door to my drive way.

so making a good fitting top is now an extra top priority.

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