Finally, Cynops. O babies!!


May 7, 2007
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United States
I have finally successfully bred my cynops o's!!!!! I currently have 22 larva and 2 unhatched eggs. About half of the babies have developed their front legs and are starting on their back legs! These little guys are so darn cute! I have been feeing them crushed fish food flakes and crushed blood worms so far. I was thinking about introducing some daphnia, but are the babies fast enough to catch them? I'll post some pictures the next time I have a chance to get back on the internet.
Fish food flakes are NOT a suitable food for the larvae, or any caudate at any stage of development for that matter. Daphnia is an excellent option, although H.orientalis larvae are not particularly good hunters, they manage to catch enough. Mine do, at any rate.
If proper sized live food is not available, you can use frozen cyclops for example (it must be defrosted and sprinkled right around the animals for them to notice). I raised several larvae almost only with it, however they grew much faster when decapsulated live artemia nauplii were offered from the first day.
Mine had nothing but daphnia for most of his larval stage.I started introducing bloodworms to him when he was getting close to morphing
ok so I scratched the fish food flakes, and emptied the daphnia from my large newt tank (for the adults) into the baby tank. I tried to take a few pictures but they are not very good. More updates will come when I get on the internet next! Thanks for the help!
congrats on successfully breeding Cynops!! i fed mine live daphne until i felt they were big enough to tackle bloodworm which i fed mostly live, and i've pretty much fed them on bloodworm ever since.. and now they're nearly a year old! :)
Congrats I had the excitement just a few monthsa ago of my Axies breeding.......I am stillexcited. I know what your feeling....!
I feed my Orientalis larvae on daphnia and finely chopped blackworms until they grow big enough to tackle whole blackworms. I do usually keep them on daphnia throughout the whole larval stage though. Congrats by the way
Congrats! Can't wait to see the pictures :happy:
I've been looking for this species for forever! Do you happen to have any older ones for sale, or the contact info of the person you bought them from?
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