New member
Hi, I am currently cycling my tank, with my axie reserved and waiting to come home. I was originally sold a filter which was too large for the tank, so I went back to the pet shop and they recommended a fluval u2 which I have now been running for a little over a week. My tank is a 20 gallon long, and I am concerned that the filter is too powerful, as the surface moves a lot, and the plants wiggle around in the water. I bought this filter as it has a spray bar, but even with the bar on, and a plant right in fromt or the filter, the other plants move a little. The filter says a flow rate of 400l/hr which seems a bit high for my 50l tank, and there is no way of turning it down like the first filter I bought. So now I am unsure what to do, I can't take it back, as I have used it, and I can't really afford to buy yet another filter though I will have to if the current is too strong for him. Also, as I am cycling, if I replace the filter, I guess I will have to start again, and then someone else might buy him, as they won't hold him for much longer. I would be grateful for any advice please!