My female alpine newts and marbled newts are all laying eggs, i always thought that the females mated with the males and basically fertilized all her eggs in the one go??? Do we know this for sure or do they lay a batch, re-mate again then lay another batch as the males are still fanning around them and the females seem to show interest??? Also do the females come ready-equipped with a full belly of maybe 300 eggs or does it work as in she will be continually producing new eggs to replace the ones she has laid??? I am intersted to know as I am considering seperating the males from the females to let them get on with egg-laying and to decrease the amount of animals in the tanks that willeat the eggs..But don't want to take males away if they are still key to the reproduction process??
My female alpine newts and marbled newts are all laying eggs, i always thought that the females mated with the males and basically fertilized all her eggs in the one go??? Do we know this for sure or do they lay a batch, re-mate again then lay another batch as the males are still fanning around them and the females seem to show interest??? Also do the females come ready-equipped with a full belly of maybe 300 eggs or does it work as in she will be continually producing new eggs to replace the ones she has laid??? I am intersted to know as I am considering seperating the males from the females to let them get on with egg-laying and to decrease the amount of animals in the tanks that willeat the eggs..But don't want to take males away if they are still key to the reproduction process??