Female pyrrho tail fanning


Site Contributor
Sep 25, 2004
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West Jordan UT
United States
Display Name
Heather Jewett
I was watching my pyrrho's last night and witnessed some male courting/tail fanning and a very interested young female.
The tail fanning male put down a spermatophore and the female was very interested - but what I thought was most interesting was that when she moved into position to pick it up, she started tail fanning like crazy. I have read others post that they have seen fanning in some animals over territories (I saw this all the time with my pachy's) and maybe feeding frenzies, but this was the first I have witnessed it from a non courting male - I thought it was kinda cool!
Unfortunately, her fanning frenzy caused a current and the spermatohore was swished away (a second one she managed to pick up on her chest - little wierdo), so maybe this behavior is not so conducive to propagation of the species and her "kinda cool" behavior will be detrimental to her breeding efforts, but oh, well - to each her own.
I very recently witnessed the same thing. I also saw a male in a back and forth of smelling another male´s cloaca as if it was Chanel 5 and then courting him desperately. And of course there is the typical case of male courting his underaged son, which i never stop finding hilarious.

In the case of the pyrrhogaster i think they compensate any potential detrimental effect of uncertain sexuality precisely by courting everything and anything that moves. No exceptions :D
Some weeks before I also observed this behaviour at my female pyrrhogaster, but there was a difference: the male was far from her and didn't court. She just sat on the top of the filter and started more times the tail fanning (so she took courtship to the nothing).
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