It is possible but I would recommend it only as a treat as seldom as possible since pinkies are high in fat. The best thing to feed a tiger is nightcrawlers as they are nutritionally balanced. I feed mine mainly nightcrawlers, a few crickets once a month and if they don't eat for a few weeks during the summer I feed a couple waxworms. Waxworms are also high in fat and should only be used as an occasional treat.
Hope this helps.
Eve is right keep away from the pinkie mice. They will make your salamander obese which will end up killing it. Your tiger can live to be 20. But it you start feeding it pinkie mice you can cut that by more than half. Stick with worms, crickets, grubs,pill bugs and maybe a little sliver of fish fed by hand.
I'd stick to waxworms in that case, you can feed a pinkie if you really wish but it's really not ideal. A tiger fed on pinkies will become obese really fast, look at the 13th picture on the care sheet, and as Bill said it will cut down his life span if it becomes obese.
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