Steve, I had the same prob initially. I used to rely on pinhead crickets, but it was awkward and costly to acquire them every week and my poor juvies sometimes went for days without food.
It wasn't until Kai (thanks Kai!) boldly pointed out how skinny my juvies were that I began taking the matter seriously. I've since mastered the "art"
of feeding bloodworm by hand and my juvies are now nice and chunky.
Happy to share this technique with fact, there's really nothing to it, but it might be helpful to demonstrate it through pictures anyway:
* melt frozen bloodworm in a small bowel like this with just a little water and move the bloodworms you are going to feed first to the side of the glass for easy grasping
* use a set of pincers/tweezers to grasp one end of the worm (I prefer this shape)
* gauge how much you are going to feed by the size of the juvie -- just one worm at a time for a newly morphed Cynops juvie, for example (I dunno if other species' juvies are big enough to handle bloodworms right after morphing)
* don't start with the juvies who are all in one place together or you may lose track of who has eaten and who hasn't, or they will fight over the same worm -- start with the isolated ones and the move on from there
* dangle the worm in front of the juvie's mouth, not too low, and not so close that the worm sticks to its mouth and annoys it -- give it 5-20 seconds or so to see/smell/assess what's in front of it and let it attack the worm in its own way (don't try to steer the worm yourself once the newt enters into its pre-strike concentration mode, just keep holding it there) -- also, no need to wiggle the worm around so much that you scare the newt away! I usually don't need to wiggle at all
I feed my Cynops juvies about 3-4 worms each now, once every 2 days.
By the way folks, I know I'm not supposed to be keeping them on Sphagnum moss because of its acidity...
Nate has a method of feeding his morphs on paper towel that you might want to do a search on.
After you've mastered the art of feeding by hand, then try feeding with one hand while taking pics with the other! Now there's a real challenge!
Good luck!