feeding new larvae(spotted salamander)


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Feb 15, 2009
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United States
Can anyone tell me how long I have to feed pond water to spotted salamander larvae?
I have a problem with getting live Daphne or brine shrimp. I want to do my best for these guys.
If one is mainly feeding pondwater, when do theyu need to have larger food?
Thank you ahead of time!
You will need to feed the larvae small live foods until they metamorphose, and even then they will still require small terrestrial food items. Once the larvae have grown to a larger size, you can begin feeding other foods such as bloodworms, diced blackworms, etc.

If you haven't already read this article, it should answer many of your questions- http://www.caudata.org/cc/articles/raising.shtml

Good Luck!
Hi Nathan,
Thank you for replying!
I foudn a store not toofar away that get in live brine shrimp once a week. They should have more next week.
Ask around to find live blackworms. If you have blackworms, it will make your life much easier!!
Hi jennewt,
Yeah, I need to ask abou that. The place in Lakewood might even special order them if they don't have them now.
I'v found places online that sell them.
May I ask; did you breed the spotted salamanders? This is a rare feat if you did...
When I raised spotted larvae they loved live blackworms, and when they first metamorphosized they ate fruit flies and pinhead crickets.
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