Question: Feeding new baby axies


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Sep 13, 2009
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Dallas, TX
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My two golden albino axies laid about 70 eggs while I was on a business trip. The eggs hatched 3 days ago, and I am currently feeding the babies live daphnia. I ordered a brine shrimp hatchery kit, and I am wondering when I can start feeding the fry brine shrimp.

Does anyone have any experience with raising baby axies?

Thank you,
hah, they're like high school soon as you step out of town look when they go and do.

You will get plenty of advice here, there are many people who have raised axies from eggs. I am not one of those folks, but I am super jealous of your babies, as I have been looking for a gold axie for a while now.
Thanks for the words of encouragement.

If I manage to raise any of these little guys to a reasonable length I would be more than happy to share them with you. I have no idea how I will manage caring for a couple dozen axies. I believe all 60 of them are goldens...

Actually, the baby brine shrimp will be the same size or SMALLER than the daphnia that you are already using. In other words, they won't be very useful (unless you cannot continue to supply daphnia).

You may be thinking that you can raise the brine shrimp up into adult brine shrimp, but this is not easy.
Thank you for the advice everyone!

The baby axies have consumed almost all the daphnia in their tank, and I am anxiously awaiting the next shipment of daphnia.

How long can these guys go without eating? I am raising some brine shrimp and am hoping the daphnia arrive soon.

Is there anything else I can feed them in the meantime?
i dont think it is very nutritious but when i was waiting on the arrival of my brine shrimp eggs i fed my baby axies goldfish flakes.
i dont think it is very nutritious but when i was waiting on the arrival of my brine shrimp eggs i fed my baby axies goldfish flakes.

i loled.
i might try this trick some day.
Like you I was in a bit of a panic thinking that I didnt have enough food for my babies. I mainly fed them bbs but that can take a while to hatch especially if you are doing it for the first time (I wasnt sure what I was doing was right) so I went to an aquarium and bought some micro worms. Not exactly the ideal meal for axie babies but a good back up whilst bbs is bubbling away.
Good luck with your babies.
I did a poor job of estimating exactly how many babies I had originally, and in reality I have closer to 90.

They are almost 4 weeks old and doing really well. They are now able to eat whole bloodworms quite easily.
How long can these guys go without eating? I am raising some brine shrimp and am hoping the daphnia arrive soon.

It all depends on how well they are fed ahead of time. I've had them go 4 days without any losses. I was afraid to push it much farther than that.

Is there anything else I can feed them in the meantime?

I use baby white worms as a second food source. Another method you can use in a pinch is to throw some thawed daphnia into their container with an air stone that puts just enough movement in the water to barely move the daphnia. This will take some time to get the hang of but it's an excellent feeding method once you get the hang of it.
That thawed daphnia idea is genius!
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    Anlucero: I believe my axolotl is constipated. I got him 8 days ago and have not seen any poop in his... +1