Feeding earthworms


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Nov 13, 2009
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Alberta Canada
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Hi I am wondering if anyone has any advice on how to get my tiger sal to actually eat the trout worms I am trying to feed him. He usually just pushes them around his tank but never actually eats them. He will occasionally snap at one if I am trying tong feeding it to him but doesn't actually grab it. Am I trying the wrong type of worm? Or would it work to feed them to him in another container? He eats the crickets I give him but not the worms. He is like 12 inches long so not too young. Please help as I am told worms are the best food for him.
ok I have tried the methods described in the thread mentioned. And nothing happened except for dead worms. I am looking for a better type of worm that might be better to feed him. I really only can buy worms at walmart or canadian tire as they aren't really in demand here. The ones I had canadian tire sold them as trout worms. And there is really only those and dew worms available. Please help me. Also tell me where to get them and no latin names please just common names no one here goes by latin.
Well.. I just hold the worm there and when he shows signs of snapping at it then I Just keep holding it untill he grabs it or if he doesn't then i just drop the worm and he will chase it and grab it .. if he is hungry enough he will grab it. i sometimes hold the worm outside of the hide so he cant see my hand an d i use a flashlight shining at the worm and he just focus on the worm.. though My Sally also will eat crickets right from my hand also.. so he isn't as shy. Anyhow they like seeing it move and chasing it so try dropping the worm so he can see it try to get away.:"> I use great big night crawlers easy to find at night.. especially on a rainy night and then you van just store them in your fridge for a few nights. Anyhow hope this helps:>
I feed mine nightcrawlers all the time. I tried feeding them with forceps but they seem to have trouble. I just throw them in front of their burrow and they come out and grab em. sometimes they have trouble grabbing them but they usually make out fine. For some reason I think they have a easier time grabbing crickets then worms..
I feed mine nightcrawlers all the time. I tried feeding them with forceps but they seem to have trouble. I just throw them in front of their burrow and they come out and grab em. sometimes they have trouble grabbing them but they usually make out fine. For some reason I think they have a easier time grabbing crickets then worms..

Tigers sounds a bit tricky with worm, i wonder wy. Non off my other salamanders/newts have had any probleme eating worms.

I have no probleme with cockroach(B.dubia) crickets or even Porcellio scaber (Woodlice) that are wery small. And every time after an Expo i bring home Locust wich they love, so now i shall start breeding locust in the end of the month.
Try the Lumbricus terrestris Canadian nightcrawlers. Some of the smaller types of worms have a foul taste. I've had the same problems with some of my tigers not accepting them. Most will take crickets over worms and will not eat worms if crickets are offered. Try fasting him from the crickets then try the worms. If you still have trouble place the salamander in an isolation cage ( I usually use one of those plastic critter keepers) and place the worm in with it for up to an hour or so. Sometimes this induces them to eat without the worms crawling off and burrowing. Some tigers are more fond of worms thans other, most can be conditioned over time to eat them. Worms are a better staple diet than crickets and easier to maintain.
Good luck,
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