I have two Adf's that I keep in a tropical aquarium with a fighter fish, catfish, loach, tetras and swordtails. I've had them for a few months and they all seem to be happy living together. I'm a little bit worried about how much food they're getting though as the fish attack the bloodworms as soon as they're in the water and the frogs are incredibly slow on the uptake. The frogs seem to be doing ok, one has grown since I got him although the other is still quite small. Is it possible they are feeding themselves on plants/algae? Or even babies? (The swordtails are breeding like rabbits!) I've read the list of possible foods to give them and will start to vary their diet so they're not just getting bloodworm. I feed the fish flakes and give them time to eat up before adding the bloodworm but they still go crazy for them. Is there any food anyone can recommend that the frogs will eat but the fish won't?