FBN, mollie, crayfish, tadpole set-up


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Aug 6, 2007
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excelsior springs, missouri
United States
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Yesterday i decided to set up my Fire Bellied Newt a full aquatic enclosure. this is the same newt who wasnt eating (he is fine now:eek:). Anyway I would like to post some pics of it but... I dont know how. please help

Get a digital camera and take some pictures, and also It's a bad idea to mix crayfish with tadpoles, very bad.
It's a bad idea to mix crayfish with anything other than similar sized crayfish, they're extremely aggressive and territorial

i find the tinier one quite agreeable and very usefull
this is the same newt who wasnt eating (he is fine now:eek:).

This is not a very good combination. Crayfish are quite adept predators and will more than likely kill your newt, tadpole and fish if it is given enough time. There are also some temperature problems with the molly and the newt. Mollies prefer temperatures that are nearer to 80F for good health while newts should be kept below 70F. This will be an especially large problem if your newt just started eating again. The less stress you can subject him to, the better. Other animals and temperatures that are too high will likely lead to him not eating again.

I would advise you to have two or more tanks to house the species you listed in your title.
the crawfish are itty bitty. i put them in there for food. the tadpoles are good size. and the mollies about the same size. but yeah i checked all that stuff.;)
well all the crayfish died off. they were food for my african clawed frog, and the newt. let me remind you theese are itty bitty! the tads are out as i found my newt eating them! and the molly has his own tank. now would someone PLEASE just tell me how to put pics on here?
i know this article was old but now that i think about it.....it was probably "ghost shrimp" that he was refering to.
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