Question: FBN eggs hatching


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Dec 19, 2009
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Leicester, UK
United Kingdom
Hi. I'm new to keeping FBNs. I rec'd 5 eggs Thursday last from a breeder on RFUK. Today I looked & one seemed to be going a whitish colour. Thinking it could be going mouldy I thought I'd transfer it to another container on its own for a few days just to see. As I lifted the leaf out of the water the little larvae slipped out of the sac & fell back into original container. It's wriggling now and again but I can't see any white line (yolk) on its tummy so I'm worried now in case it will starve?

Any advice/help would be appreciated. Thanks :(
I don't think you have to worry about it starving just yet. You could try putting alittle bit of live food in with it but I don't think it'd eat anyways for at least another day or two.
Do you think you ripped the egg to cause it to hatch prematurely? I had that happen while trying to clip leaves to ship the eggs. One died a few days later, but the other was fine. The yolk sac is even visible in the egg depending on how the larva is lying. Get some live Daphnia ready and it should eat (will look like it's hopping) in a couple of days.

Good luck,
No I don't think so - I had the stem of the leaf in tweezers, and it was as the leaf was pulled out of the water that the little guy just fell back into the container. He/she's still alive and has a yolk stripe on its tum. The egg sac is now invisible on the leaf. The others that are still in their egg sacs all have a stripe on their tums. Do you think they will hatch soon ?? I have some daphnia ready and some of them are tiny little fleas.
When they're close to hatching, you can see their well-formed bodies in the egg sacs and, depending on their orientation in there, you can sometimes see the yolk strip. You can also see them wriggling on occasion. My female laid for MONTHS, so I had some morphing while others were still being laid. If your larvae are well-formed, I'd bet they're all about the same age and they will soon emerge. Do frequent water changes for the larvae.

Good luck - seems like you're on the right track!
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