Favorite Solling form of salamandra

What is your favorite soiling form of salamandra

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Aug 6, 2009
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I'd like to know what sailing form of salamandra is most desired.
Re: Favorite soiling form of salamandra

I prefer the yellow ones. It's the most natural and that's what I like to see. I don't need albino are other inbreeding colors. I do like the red in animals like the algira's sometimes have or like the S. s gallaica
Re: Favorite soiling form of salamandra

I don't think I've ever seen a Salamandra on a sail boat. As for soiling, I understand they all do that, providing you feed them enough...
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Re: Favorite soiling form of salamandra

Solling is region in Germany, where a very colorful race of S. s. terrestris occur. I think that's what Dylan meant, starting this thread.
Re: Favorite soiling form of salamandra

Let them be as black as night. I've seen a couple of (almost) black animals and they were really wicked.
Re: Favorite soiling form of salamandra

Haha I completely made myself look like an idoit there :eek: I should learn the meaning of a word before i use it :wacko:
here are my favourites


  • solling_red.JPG
    82.1 KB · Views: 9,015
i have a question about red in Salamandra salamandra... feeding this specie with food containing beta carotene during the larval stage, could modify the color to orange reddish or not? is this a genetically heritable trait or only an enviroment influenced trait?
AW: Re: Favorite Solling form of salamandra

i have a question about red in Salamandra salamandra... feeding this specie with food containing beta carotene during the larval stage, could modify the color to orange reddish or not? is this a genetically heritable trait or only an enviroment influenced trait?
the red color of Salamandra salamandra terrestris is genetic and not caused by food or other environment influence.
Red parents usually have red offsprings, too. But yellow parents, that don't carry the 'red gene' usually have yellow offsprings, no matter what they are fed or where they live.

Besides their yellow counterparts you can occasionally find red specimens of S. s. terrestris in nature, not only in the Solling area, which was mentioned above, but also in other regions of their natural distribution area.

Thank you for the answer. I'm trying to understand how many variations were observed in the color of the spots.
There are salamanders with yellow light, goldish yellow, orange-yellow, bright orange, red-orange and deep red spots. I also observed salamanders with patches of different colors on the same specimen (yellow and orange).

Crossing reddish salamanders with yellow ones get a good percentage of orange salamanders? Or there will be some yellow sons and others totally reddish?

I found in a scientific publication a fact about a salamander with red and wine-red spots that gave birth to 4 red specimens and 13 yellow goldish, Is it a customary situation?
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