Question: Fat Salamanders, suggestions?


New member
Aug 19, 2009
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Newmarket, On, Canada
hi everyone, I have a few very fat tiger sals, and fire sals, it's my own fault, sorry :(, I just wondered if it was possible to make them slim again, and what would be invloved in doing so, thanks!
This might be a radical suggestion, but maybe you could just feed them less regularly?
hi everyone, I have a few very fat tiger sals, and fire sals, it's my own fault, sorry :(, I just wondered if it was possible to make them slim again, and what would be invloved in doing so, thanks!
Yes, it is possible to help them slim down. I've had tiger sals that have needed to be placed on a reducing diet as they tend to be ravenous eaters. As tmarmoratus stated, try feeding them less frequently or alternatively, feed them less at each meal. If you feed them as much as they will eat, tigers tend to gorge themselves as a natural response of not knowing when they may get their next meal...which if done 3 times a week....will produce obese animals. Try feeding once a week with several crickets or 1-2 large crickets 3 times per week.

You didn't mention if you hand feed, but I would do this so you can determine each animal's exact intake. The addition of earthworms/pieces would also provide them with a better rounded diet.
I slimmed down one of my fire sallies just as Jan suggested. I hand fed worms to ensure he didn't steal everyone elses worms. He is now much trimmer and doing well.
Yeah dude just start feeding them a little less at each sitting. Try cutting it down to 3/4 of what you used to feed. If that doesnt work then go to 1/2 and so on
You should be mixing worms into their diet . A half of nightcrwler twice a week and 8 crickets the next week . That should keep their wait normal. Even skipping a week a month is fine. Tiger Salamanders do not eat everyday or even everyweek in nature. Food does not always run down into their hideing areas and tunnels. Even when it does Tigers Sals do not succeed in grabbing their prey all the time. They eat alot less than people think. Insect and worm population go through cycles. Salamanders have it to good in our homes sometimes.
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