Expo Terraristika Hamm



Hi everyone
As you may know there is a big expo on amphibians and reptilians in Hamm known as Terraristika. The date is 13 of September and I will go with another caudate enthusiast. If anybody is planning to go as well, I will happily meet you there.
I will be looking for newts so If anybody wants to exchange or trade any caudata at hand please don’t hesitate to contact me.
I hope I could meet some of you
Best wishes
Is Hamm for "the public" or for traders (importers / exporters who will only sell to shops) or for both?

Hi Matt,
Hamm is not an enthusiast meeting but a commercial fair, although some devoted caudate people attend. Both breeders and dealers will offer animals and sometimes it is hard to tell which is which. Also lots of standing in line, pushing and shoving. Caudates on display or for sale are less than a half percent, I would guess. Some people might also be upset by the condition of some of the animals offered there. However, sometimes one can find some nice cb animals and chat a bit with a breeder. This years' metamorphs tend to still be quite small though, thus one might want to visit the Terraristika in March.
Hope this post makes sense to you.


(Message edited by ralf on July 30, 2003)
Ralf has said the most things about the Terraristika. Here is a small list of the Caudatas I've seen there over the last years:
Triturus: marmoratus, pygmaeus, vulgaris, vittatus cristatus and some other crested (all cb)
Salamandra: salamndra, atra (cb) Plaeurodeles waltl, Axolotls, Cynops ensicauda, orientalis and pyrrhogaster (all cb), some Pachytriton (wc), Tylotriton verruscosus(? wc), Taricha granulosa (wc and cb), Ambystoma tigrinum, opacum, maculatum (all wc), some lungless Sals (e.g. Plethodon cinereus), Neurergus strauchi barani.
I'm sure I've forgotten some. The Problem is you can not be sure what you see, Sometimes there are some Axolotls and som halfdead wc American Sals and nothing else. As Ralf said the March terraristika is a little better to meet other caudate breeders.
Hamm is a really big event of some thousands peaople and Newts and Salmanders have a very small role in there. It opens at 10 o'clock but you often have to wait one hour or more to get in. And the really interesting animals are sold early.
To Ralf: I hope the "nice cb" pygmaeus are doing fine?

Hi Fabian,
I've seen some rather dark cb T. verrucosus this March as well. The T. pygmaeus are doing extremely well. They eat like hogs, hard to get my fingers out of the tank in time.

Well, will be my first experience atTerraristika in Hamm. My main aims are to become a member of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Herpetologie und Terrarienkunde – DGHT (German Society for Herpetology and Amphibian and Reptile Husbandry). As well as meet some colleagues for exchange and hopefully find something interesting caudates there too. I would rather go to Gersfelt or the 10th annual meeting of the Dutch Salamander society though won’t be possible this year. Certainly I will go by next year.
Best wishes
Well, this is to recall this theme as many people were in Vacations. Just wondering about who is coming to Hamm. I will gladly meet and have a drink with any enthusiast. I hope more people will join us in Hamm.
Best wishes
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