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I read through this and picked out all the caudates that are listed as schedule IV or schedule II European protected species:
European protected species - Schedule IV
Chioglossa lusitanica (Golden-striped Salamander)
Euproctus asper (Pyrenen Brook Salamander/Pyrenen newt)
Euproctus montanus (Corsican Brook Salamander/Corsican Mountain Newt)
Euproctus platycephalus (Sardinian Brook Salamander/Sardinian Mountain Newt)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Ambrosi's Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Stefani's Salamander/Monte Albo Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Brown Cave Salamander/Sardinian or Brown Cave)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Imperial Salamander/Scented Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Appenines Salamander/Italian Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Nuoro Salamander/Supramonte Cave Salamander)
Mertensiella (Lyciasalamandra) luschani (Luschan's Salamander/Lycian Salamander)
Proteus anguinus (Cave Salamander/Olm/Proteus)
Salamandra atra (Golden Salamander)
Salamandra aurorae (Golden Salamander/Golden Alpine Salamander)
Salamandra lanzai (Lanza's Alpine Salamander/Large Alpine Salamander)
Salamandrina terdigitata (Spectacled Salamander)
Triturus carnifex (Alpine Crested Newt/ Italian Warty Newt)
Triturus cristatus (Great Crested Newt/Northern Crested Newt)
Triturus italicus (Italian Newt)
Triturus karelinii (Triturus Balkan Crested Newt)
Triturus marmoratus (Marbled Newt)
Triturus montandoni (Carpathian Newt/Montandon's Newt)
European protected species - Schedule II
Triturus cristatus (Great Crested Newt)
Schedule IV species (which includes species which are commonly kept within the hobby) are legal to possess, trade and transport as long as they were taken from the wild before 1994, or before the country they were taken from entered the EU, or if they were captive bred, or were taken from a country outside of the EU. However, the burden of proof lies with the owner of the animals to prove that their animals are legal, so it's possible that you could be prosecuted for possessing carnifex or marmoratus if you can't prove their legal origins.
Schedule II species (just cristatus at the moment) require a license to possess even if they were taken from the wild before 1994 or CB or taken from outside the EU or before a country entered the EU, if I've understood this correctly. (And no, I don't know why cristatus is listed as both schedule IV and schedule II.)
European protected species - Schedule IV
Chioglossa lusitanica (Golden-striped Salamander)
Euproctus asper (Pyrenen Brook Salamander/Pyrenen newt)
Euproctus montanus (Corsican Brook Salamander/Corsican Mountain Newt)
Euproctus platycephalus (Sardinian Brook Salamander/Sardinian Mountain Newt)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Ambrosi's Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Stefani's Salamander/Monte Albo Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Brown Cave Salamander/Sardinian or Brown Cave)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Imperial Salamander/Scented Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Appenines Salamander/Italian Cave Salamander)
Hydromantes (Speleomantes) (Nuoro Salamander/Supramonte Cave Salamander)
Mertensiella (Lyciasalamandra) luschani (Luschan's Salamander/Lycian Salamander)
Proteus anguinus (Cave Salamander/Olm/Proteus)
Salamandra atra (Golden Salamander)
Salamandra aurorae (Golden Salamander/Golden Alpine Salamander)
Salamandra lanzai (Lanza's Alpine Salamander/Large Alpine Salamander)
Salamandrina terdigitata (Spectacled Salamander)
Triturus carnifex (Alpine Crested Newt/ Italian Warty Newt)
Triturus cristatus (Great Crested Newt/Northern Crested Newt)
Triturus italicus (Italian Newt)
Triturus karelinii (Triturus Balkan Crested Newt)
Triturus marmoratus (Marbled Newt)
Triturus montandoni (Carpathian Newt/Montandon's Newt)
European protected species - Schedule II
Triturus cristatus (Great Crested Newt)
Schedule IV species (which includes species which are commonly kept within the hobby) are legal to possess, trade and transport as long as they were taken from the wild before 1994, or before the country they were taken from entered the EU, or if they were captive bred, or were taken from a country outside of the EU. However, the burden of proof lies with the owner of the animals to prove that their animals are legal, so it's possible that you could be prosecuted for possessing carnifex or marmoratus if you can't prove their legal origins.
Schedule II species (just cristatus at the moment) require a license to possess even if they were taken from the wild before 1994 or CB or taken from outside the EU or before a country entered the EU, if I've understood this correctly. (And no, I don't know why cristatus is listed as both schedule IV and schedule II.)