Entire tank build!


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May 19, 2010
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Ok, lots of things to go over here! This is my first time in my active memory of trying anything freshwater! For the last few years I've been working with saltwater coral reefs and my little buddy, a snowflake eel! From my local SW forum I just found a 36lx16hx16d tank for an amazingly low price! I've seen pictures of planted aquariums online and just struck by the beauty of them. But for my first tank in this category I'd like something like a cave. Slate like rock islands on both ends of the tank with little waterfalls and pools on the way down would be ideal. I don't know a whole lot about the salamanders or newts, but I do love watching them and I've been satisfying that desire via youtube lately. I'm not really worried about killing them from the tank's chemical levels. I am pretty good at handling that kind of stuff from my SW experiences. What are a good choice salamander/newt for a 1/2 aquatic and 1/2 land tank? The scape for the tank is planned to be amazing, and I'll share it on here once it's complete!
Basic requirements:
Tank lighting: I don't know the kind of lights that FW plants require to grow. I'd like a little moss in there to keep the natural look.
Compatibility with other creatures: is it possible to keep them with other species? or is that a no no. Could I have one of those blind 100% aquatic ones in there with a half/half one? Can a sally be kept with mini crabs, or will they fight? I want a school of neon tetras in the pool in the middle. Will the sally hunt and kill them, or the underwater one?
Filtration: What are some good filters to use in tanks like these?
Water Parameters: Obviously to keep out the killer chemicals, but how about the temperatures? Is there a safe temperature I can keep both the fish, and the sally at?
Food: Can I feed them earthworms? Will they eat that forever, or should I get some variety?

Scape: a Rock island with waterfall on both sides. A bridge that is barely submerged in water made of rock going from side to side supported by vertical rocks acting as pillars. On one island, I plan to add a beach so if anything falls in but for some reason can't pull itself up a slate edge, it can simply swim to the beach and climb up.

Thanks for reading my incredibly long plan! If you can answer any of my questions, I would greatly appreciate it!
If you do a search on this site for "mixing species" as well as some of your other questions, you'll come up with a lot of information. Good luck!
If you´ve never kept caudates before i certainly don´t recommend that you start with a complex paludarium.
Keeping things simple is a very good way to start. The idea sounds brilliant, of course, but not too practical.

Also, there are not that many 50/50 species in the trade. Most species are fully aquatic, or use water for breeding purposes only. Some, like the genus Eurycea or Desmognathus are trully semi-aquatic, but prefer shallow streams. Also, if you were to come across some, they will all be wild-caught. I very strongly recommend that you stay away from wild-caught animals....it´s definitely not good for them, and it´s not good for you.

I know it´s not what you had in mind, but i think you would be better off with a simpler set-up (which can still be very beautiful) and an easy, beginner species (some of which are stunning). P.waltl, any "crested complex" Triturus, I.a.apuanus, axolotls...they are all very good options. Easily available as captive bred from local breeders, very easy to keep and fascinating, all of them.

I´m not sure what you meant by the blind 100% aquatic ones, but if you were refering to a species such as Proteus anguinus, you should know that you will never ever find any for sale xDD And if you ever did, your moral responsability would be not to buy that animal since it´s an extremely endangered species.

Anyway, consider the captive bred options, i assure you you won´t regret it, and although they are not exactly what you had in mind, you might find they are even better.

As for mixing, never a good idea. It doesn´t bring any advantages, but it ALWAYS carries risks. Avoiding those completely unnecessary risks should be a priority before aesthetics. As Dawn said, there is a lot of information around on this matter.
:/ sigh about the neon tetras :(. Are there any salamanders/newts that can be kept around readily available fish? I've seen them on youtube but I know that lots of the people on there have no idea what they're doing. I'd rather not be cruel to the animals I plan to keep. The tank itself I didn't think was that complicated other than getting the pumps correct. It's just a different scape than I've seen to try to make sure I can accomodate fish as well.
The problem with fish is that they produce pure ammonia, which is highly toxic for the caudates. So a large enough amount of fish waste can be a real problem. Also, caudates can sense the pressence of fish chemically, and that may cause the newts or salamanders to avoid the water (in the wild, most species inhabit fishless masses of water on purpose).
In fact, keeping any species of fish with caudates is generally not recommendable at all.
The only species of fish i think it´s tolerable are Tanichthys albonubes....and still i would only recommend a very small group provided that the tank is heavily planted and well cycled, and the caudates haven´t shown signs of stress (and the fish have been quarantined). Other than that, you might have real problems.
I'll cycle and have a filter it in there. The filter keeps the ammonia at 0 usually. But I'll reconsider the fish idea.
White cloudy minnows can be kept with Axies, but are usually a food source, not sure about other caudates though.
The thing is, filters are best avoided with most species. The majority of species in the trade prefer still waters, they really do apreciate having no movement at all. Since the function of a filter is very easily substituted by heavily planting and weekly maintenance, there really is no need for a filter anyway.

If you are dead set on having fish (i´ll repeat that you´ll only gain aesthetic value but you´ll assume risks) White cloud minnows-Tanichthys albonubes is the species you want, since they are completely harmless.
If you intend to breed the caudates, then the fish might be a problem.
I have to say that you've received some great advice already but I think the closest you'll get to the set up you've imagined would be albino axolotls combined with the gold form of white clouds in a set up with a modest fall or two sited to minimise turbulence. Unlike a reef, the whole caudate thing is mostly about minimising water movement.

I can see that slate, black sand and perhaps LED lighting would give you a 'cave feeling' and set the tank apart from a sun-drenched saltwater tank..

You might also want to consider some fire bellied toads instead if you want a planted paludarium.
With no disrespect Eric, i´ve always found that´s a dangerous way of doing things. Personally i think it´ definitely best to first figure out what species one is going to get, THEN plan the tank having the requirements of said species in mind.

It´s all about the well-being of the animals, aesthetics come last.
Yeah i agree. you definitely want to go simple and learn how to care for the animals first. Once you have some experience, then you can get more complicated. You run the risk of stressing, or even killing your animals the other way.
When I was little... I did have 2 firebelly salamanders for 3 years lol. If I modded the filter and had the return acting as a water fall would that be one way to make it acceptable? I need to find a good page with basic information on the lifestyles of each type of these intriguing amphibians!
Try the caresheets on CaudataCulture, you can find them in my signature. You´ll find basic care info on all the species i mentioned, and many MANY more.

A waterfall would certainly decrease the impact of the current, but since heavily planted tanks are ideal for most species, you simply don´t need a filter at all with them. By not using a filter you avoid the heat it produces, the current entirely, and all the necessary maintenance.
Does the external canister filter add heat to the tank? I'm in Michigan and my basement is pretty chilly. I think that they will be fine down there. Should I get something to keep the water cold as well?
Whith an external canister and some temperature resistent fish (theres a couple more than just the minnows) you should be fine but more than likely your looking at your fish being food
If the fish get eaten... I guess I can get more lol... Maybe the salamander would like some live food... :D
What are some other temperature resistant fish to you then?
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