Ok, lots of things to go over here! This is my first time in my active memory of trying anything freshwater! For the last few years I've been working with saltwater coral reefs and my little buddy, a snowflake eel! From my local SW forum I just found a 36lx16hx16d tank for an amazingly low price! I've seen pictures of planted aquariums online and just struck by the beauty of them. But for my first tank in this category I'd like something like a cave. Slate like rock islands on both ends of the tank with little waterfalls and pools on the way down would be ideal. I don't know a whole lot about the salamanders or newts, but I do love watching them and I've been satisfying that desire via youtube lately. I'm not really worried about killing them from the tank's chemical levels. I am pretty good at handling that kind of stuff from my SW experiences. What are a good choice salamander/newt for a 1/2 aquatic and 1/2 land tank? The scape for the tank is planned to be amazing, and I'll share it on here once it's complete!
Basic requirements:
Tank lighting: I don't know the kind of lights that FW plants require to grow. I'd like a little moss in there to keep the natural look.
Compatibility with other creatures: is it possible to keep them with other species? or is that a no no. Could I have one of those blind 100% aquatic ones in there with a half/half one? Can a sally be kept with mini crabs, or will they fight? I want a school of neon tetras in the pool in the middle. Will the sally hunt and kill them, or the underwater one?
Filtration: What are some good filters to use in tanks like these?
Water Parameters: Obviously to keep out the killer chemicals, but how about the temperatures? Is there a safe temperature I can keep both the fish, and the sally at?
Food: Can I feed them earthworms? Will they eat that forever, or should I get some variety?
Scape: a Rock island with waterfall on both sides. A bridge that is barely submerged in water made of rock going from side to side supported by vertical rocks acting as pillars. On one island, I plan to add a beach so if anything falls in but for some reason can't pull itself up a slate edge, it can simply swim to the beach and climb up.
Thanks for reading my incredibly long plan! If you can answer any of my questions, I would greatly appreciate it!
Basic requirements:
Tank lighting: I don't know the kind of lights that FW plants require to grow. I'd like a little moss in there to keep the natural look.
Compatibility with other creatures: is it possible to keep them with other species? or is that a no no. Could I have one of those blind 100% aquatic ones in there with a half/half one? Can a sally be kept with mini crabs, or will they fight? I want a school of neon tetras in the pool in the middle. Will the sally hunt and kill them, or the underwater one?
Filtration: What are some good filters to use in tanks like these?
Water Parameters: Obviously to keep out the killer chemicals, but how about the temperatures? Is there a safe temperature I can keep both the fish, and the sally at?
Food: Can I feed them earthworms? Will they eat that forever, or should I get some variety?
Scape: a Rock island with waterfall on both sides. A bridge that is barely submerged in water made of rock going from side to side supported by vertical rocks acting as pillars. On one island, I plan to add a beach so if anything falls in but for some reason can't pull itself up a slate edge, it can simply swim to the beach and climb up.
Thanks for reading my incredibly long plan! If you can answer any of my questions, I would greatly appreciate it!