End of Axolotl tip clear and looks damaged?


New member
Jan 21, 2024
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New England
United States
Hi, my Axolotl Ludo looks like his tail is damaged? I got him November of last year and he’s about 8 months old.


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It kindof looks like he just wedged it somewhere and got it stuck and that’s how he probably injured. My axolotl had a random injury on his tail and he was just fine. It should heal fine, and I wouldn’t worry about too much! Ludo is such a cute name!

I’d keep an eye on it ofc just to make sure it doesn’t seem to get worse or anything

Some of the baby axolotls I work with at school have had tails that look like that so it’s nothing to really worry about.
It kindof looks like he just wedged it somewhere and got it stuck and that’s how he probably injured. My axolotl had a random injury on his tail and he was just fine. It should heal fine, and I wouldn’t worry about too much! Ludo is such a cute name!

I’d keep an eye on it ofc just to make sure it doesn’t seem to get worse or anything

Some of the baby axolotls I work with at school have had tails that look like that so it’s nothing to really worry about.
Thank you so much! That’s what I assumed but I just wanted to be sure :)
I named him after the monster is the 1986 labyrinth movie!
Awww! I like it. Mine are named Mudkip and Kirby. His tank setup looks really really nice! Do you have a whole picture of it?
Here you go! I like your names too :) Mudkip is a really cute name


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