Eggs with fungi

Pedro Oliveira

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May 2, 2009
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Hello, recently my cynops orientalis started to lay eggs, I have about 150.

I had some problems ...

Or they die when born, or born with deformities, or remain 3 or 4 days and die ...

I have had many eggs with fungi ... You know what I can do about it?

What can I feed them? Because Portugal is not very easy to get live food, I ordered eggs of Artemia, but not for about 20 days is that it ...

I await response,
Again I apologize for my bad English!

ok johnny.

I had seen this article. But do not understand the problem.
The temperature did not know, because now I am not at home.

I have a thermostat, but maybe I will take.

I usually use google, but thanks for worrying and send me the link!

I see the results without the thermostat.

Thank you very much!
Hi Pedro,

I'm sorry you are having trouble. Does the egg in this link look at all like your eggs?

I believe I've only had one (out of about 40) that looked like this. My larva have all been healthy with the exception of one that I never saw swim, but was dead immediately after hatching. Mine range in age from 2 months to newly hatched and I never tried to breed my adult pair!

I have fed them a mixture of live Daphnia (not easy to get here, either), frozen baby brine shrimp, another frozen blend of Daphnia-type of organisms, and I recently got white worms from Dawn here. They loved them, but I think I killed the batch of worms by accident, so I'll be ordering more. I also have black worms ordered.

I worry that mine aren't as hearty looking as some other pictures and I wonder if it's the lack of more live foods. I hope the worms help them out, though they all appear to be healthy and growing fairly well, just are thinner than someone who posted pictures here the other day. I hope the camera was deceiving!

Anyway, the link above does not tell why the fungus attacked the egg but does say to remove it as you don't want such eggs near healthy ones. Perhaps that is the problem with your larva - that they were from eggs which were unhealthy.

Good luck,
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