Some more in the embryo series. These are recent as of yesterday--today their gills are a bit more defined and they occasionally move--they constrict and relax. I'll post more photos soon
Day 2a
Note the folding in the lower embryo. Some describe it as looking like a morning glory seed.
"Triplets" developing; you can see the folding from the side--it appears kind of as a "blueberry" shape.
Day 2b (around 12 hours later)
Note how pinched the embryo is becoming; it measures approximately 3mm x 2mm. The head will develop at one end, the tail at the other.
"Triplets", at the same time.
Day 3
Embryos starting to fold; the shorter end is the anterior (head).
Day 4
Gill buds clearly developed.
"Triplets" again--Observe the "curled" embryo--they occasionally move from this position to the straight position. Some rest while curled, others more straight.
Two next to an apparently infertile egg.
The embryos are currently between 4-6mm in length. Note the clearly developed tail.
Their gill buds are developing into the more familiar feathery structures, but that will be the start of the next set
(Message edited by lactose on November 07, 2005)
Day 2a
Note the folding in the lower embryo. Some describe it as looking like a morning glory seed.
"Triplets" developing; you can see the folding from the side--it appears kind of as a "blueberry" shape.
Day 2b (around 12 hours later)
Note how pinched the embryo is becoming; it measures approximately 3mm x 2mm. The head will develop at one end, the tail at the other.
"Triplets", at the same time.
Day 3
Embryos starting to fold; the shorter end is the anterior (head).
Day 4
Gill buds clearly developed.
"Triplets" again--Observe the "curled" embryo--they occasionally move from this position to the straight position. Some rest while curled, others more straight.
Two next to an apparently infertile egg.
The embryos are currently between 4-6mm in length. Note the clearly developed tail.
Their gill buds are developing into the more familiar feathery structures, but that will be the start of the next set
(Message edited by lactose on November 07, 2005)