New member
This is my first time hatching axolotl eggs, I have about 14 axolotl eggs that are 15 days old! I have seen them wriggling and moving within their eggs but am worried that something has gone wrong. They look fully developed, and one even looks like it tried to come out of the shell, and got stuck on the way out. Upon closer inspection of this particular one, I can see that his head looks like it tried to break through the membrane shell and was unable to. The larvae in general are not moving around as much as they used to, but they look fully developed.... Does it ever happen that larvae get stuck in the egg, unable to hatch out even at full development? They have eyes and gills, and like I said I have seen them wiggle in their shells , but now they twitch slightly every so often , but I haven't seen them actually move in a couple days. Should I be worried?
This is my first time with axolotl eggs and I would appreciate any help I can get!
This is my first time with axolotl eggs and I would appreciate any help I can get!