Egg Advice Needed (Preferably Very Soon Please)


New member
Feb 8, 2012
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United States
I just got some axolotl eggs today. They came in a ziplock bag with a plant and water. I have two main questions. First, how do I gently get the eggs and water out of the bag and into a container? Second, how do I add more water to the container? I don't know what kind of water (dechlorinated, ect) or what temp. to add. Is there any risk to the eggs if I don't do this right? These are my first eggs and I really want them to be safe. Any advice? :confused:
Hi, if the eggs are attached to the plant then just lift the plant out with the eggs attached and place into the container of water. A container of fresh water will do the eggs no harm, i have done this myself, just make sure the fresh water is at the same temperature as the water that the eggs are in. Also the axolotl eggs are not as fragile as they look, so if you are careful you may be able to softly scoop them out with your fingers. Hope this helps you and good luck with your eggs, i have eggs hatching right now, 3 out so far 99 to go
Hi Chibi! :D I got a package very similar to yours today also! :p I had a container of room temp dechlorinated water ready, I opened the first ziploc, slid the inside ziploc out of it and set it in the tub of dechl water, opened it and laid it on its side so the eggs and plant could slide out with the 'current' of the water entering the bag from the tub! :D

If that made any sense....if you read it a couple times it does! :p

Best of luck & if you have any questions everyone in here is wonderful! I'll try to help too! :D
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