Efts and Firebellies in same tank?


New member
Jul 6, 2009
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Knoxville, TN
United States
I have a 20 gallon long aquarium set up with about 2/3 land with moss and soil, and 1/3 water that is 4 inches deep. I currently have 2 young Chinese fire belly newts inhabiting the tank (they are especially terrestrial these days). I just acquired a pair of red-spotted newts in the eft stage, and I was wondering if anyone has successfully housed these 2 species together.

Most likely not. Each are from a different continent and could introduce foriegn pathogens to eachother. Both are passive newts but I wouldn't do it.
Oh, ok. They are both from breeders in the US, domestically born, if that makes any difference. I've housed adult red spotteds and FBN's together successfully before, but not efts. Anyway, thanks for the tip.
If they are very close to the same size, it might be OK. But you'd need to watch very closely for growth rates. If one newt (or species) grows faster than the others, it's important to separate the larger one(s). With a mix of different species, this is all the more likely to happen. Whatever food you are using, there's a good chance that one species will be a more efficient predator than the other.

So... since you may have to separate them anyway, I think it's probably a better bet to keep them separate from the start. That's my opinion.
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