Eastern newt in community tank?


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Mar 28, 2021
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I'm getting a new 26 gallon fluval tank. I have a few platies and khuli loaches from my previous tank and I was going to keep them to my new 26g. I was also thinking of adding a pair or trio of sparkling gouramis as I know they stay small and I don't have many of the other fish. Now my question is that could I have a pair or trio of eastern newts? I was going to make a paladarium build. I did some research as to the templates and all of them fit in between 71f to 75f. In new to the whole paladarium business but I'm quite experienced with fish. So is this ok in your opinion? Thanks guys. :)
Please be nice
I would advise against it for a variety of reasons.
The fish require warmer temperatures than the newt should have.
The fish are likely to pick on the newt.
The fish are likely to eat any food that is intended for the newt.
I second this, but in addition I have heard of some of the more toxic species poisoning fish. I don’t know if this is accurate or not, but I don’t see why it wouldn’t be. I would just play it safe and house the newts on their own (with other eastern newts would be fine)
Is there any semi aquatic species that can live with fish?
I am not really sure. I think I have heard of people putting fire bellies in with their White Cloud Mountain minnows but I would be uneasy doing so myself. I think the beauty of semi aquatic species is that they spend time in land AND water, so really no area of a paludarium goes unused
I see. What is a few species that can live in a 26g? And could I have different species? Such as maybe add with newts. Or small crabs or crayfish?
I would probably advise against anything other than newts of the same species in a newt tank. Other species of newts have been observed to poison each other, and crabs and crayfish will harm your newt if they climb on it/ get scared by it and pinch it. If you get fire bellies, i would stick to White Cloud Mountain minnows if you must have a fish. If you get another species of newt, probably stick to some snails and just newts.
Alright. Can I have some suggestions on newt species
Oh shrimp would work for most newt species too. Amano, ghost, cherry shrimp (and all similar color varieties) would work with most newts.

My personal favorite newts are rough skinned newts, as they are semi aquatic and the ones I had years ago would use both land and water equally. The challenge with them is that they can be somewhat hard to find (at least in my area) and some states may have laws about shipping them across state lines. Otherwise, these newts are hardy and very friendly. They should be kept cool (60-70 degrees Fahrenheit) but can withstand high temps of 75 for short periods if your cooling method fails for whatever reason.

I also like the blue tailed fire belly, cynops cyanurus. I find them to be very tolerant of higher temps and very interactive as well
Oh that seems perfect! I love shrimp a,d would love keeping them with newts.
But if shrimp works why doesn't cold water fish like danios. Which are fast and hard to catch. And hardy Atwell?
Oh danios would work with fire bellies and a few other less toxic ones. I was advising you not to keep fish with eastern newts because fish can pick at them and the newts can poison them. White Cloud Mountain minnows/danios are similar in terms of care and hardiness, i just forgot to mention danios.
Ok that works great. I know that there are a few other cold water fish such as rocket killi. Platies. Danios and a few others. Shrimp and fire bellied newts seem to be a awesome tank.
Yeah. if the newts breed, the baby shrimp will be great food for the young newts too
I have newts and shrimp together and it seems like my newts are far too slow to catch any of them lol
Is that a good thing? Lol
Hey I know this thread is old, but did you end up keeping those fish with your newts? I have a very similar setup with nano fish in a unheated tank. My newts have reverted back to only using land, did you ever have that issue?
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